151-160 of 314 results

Recent trends in Australian competition law
Insight 18 Dec 2018

There have been significant developments in Australian competition law over the last 12 months, both from a merger review and enforcement perspective. This Insight examines some of the key trends. ...

Gift cards sold to Australian consumers must be valid for at least three years
Insight 23 Oct 2018

From 1 November 2019 gift cards sold in Australia must be valid for at least three years under new legislation setting out a national framework for their regulation This provides greater certainty for issuers of gift cards who might otherwise have to comply with different state and territory laws ...

Competition news
Insight 18 Oct 2018

In Touch looks at what's been happening in Competition this month and what it means for your business ...

You asked, they listened (mostly) - Treasury's proposed revisions to the Consumer Data Right Bill
Insight 12 Oct 2018

On 24 September Treasury released for public consultation its revised version of the exposure draft legislation that will give effect to the new Consumer Data Right CDR in Australia Reflecting feedback from public consultation on the first tranche of draft legislation that was released on 15 August ...

The ACCC's Consumer Data Right Rules Framework
Insight 12 Oct 2018

In preparation for the implementation of the first phase of the Consumer Data Right CDR on 1 July 2019 and fresh off the consultation period for the Federal Governments draft CDR legislation the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission ACCC released the Consumer Data Right Rules Framework the ...

Competition news
Insight 03 Oct 2018

In Touch looks at what's been happening in Competition this month and what it means for your business ...

Federal Court reverses systemic unconscionability finding against vocational education provider
Insight 02 Oct 2018

The Full Court of the Federal court of Australia has overturned a decsion of a single judge which held Unique International College had engaged in systemic unconscionable conduct with the supply of online vocational education courses to consumers in NSW. ...

