1651-1660 of 2869 results

Report: Class Action Risk 2018
Insight 26 Nov 2018

Class action risk continues to increase and is becoming more complex than ever before. Assessing this risk for your organisation is extraordinarily challenging and requires a broad-based perspective of the broader class actions landscape. ...

Competing class actions - no 'one size fits all' solution
Insight 22 Nov 2018

The Full Federal Court has held that when the court is faced with multiple competing class actions in relation to the same issue it can choose one to proceed and stay the others In doing so it said that there is no one size fits all solution to the problem of competing class actions and that ...

It's that time of year again - is your product safety house in order?
Insight 21 Nov 2018

Product safety has been high on the ACCCs agenda in 2018 and with the holiday retail frenzy about to begin it should also be high on the agenda of all retailers and suppliers Following on from International Product Safety Week last week it is a good time for businesses to review their processes and ...

The revival of the Retailer Reliability Obligation
Insight 20 Nov 2018

In the wake of the last COAG Energy Council meeting at which it was agreed the National Energy Guarantees reliability component should be progressed new draft legislation gives effect to a Retailer Reliability Obligation Partner Anna Collyer and Associate Luisa Colosimo report ...

Changes to inventive step requirements postponed
Insight 16 Nov 2018

In response to a range of concerns from stakeholders the Federal Government has decided to postpone controversial amendments to the inventive step requirements Partner Linda Govenlock and Senior Associate Lauren John report on this significant development ...

New APRA prudential standard raises bar for information security obligations and incident notification requirements
Insight 15 Nov 2018

As companies and regulators across the world grapple with ever-increasing cyber security threats, Australia's financial services regulator, APRA, has released the final form of a new prudential standard, which imposes heigtened security obligations for APRA-regulated entities ...

Corporate law developments
Insight 14 Nov 2018

Welcome to our monthly snapshot of regulatory updates and other developments in corporate law We know you are busy so our focus is on capturing key issues ...

Report: National Electricity & Gas Rules Update: October 2018
Insight 14 Nov 2018

In this update we look at the the progress of rule changes across the month of October and examine opportunities for stakeholders to participate in the AEMCs new review Updating the regulatory framework for embedded networks ...

Vietnam - draft cybersecurity regulation released
Insight 13 Nov 2018

Following the passing of the controversial Cybersecurity Law in June the Ministry of Public Security recently released for public consultation a draft decree providing detailed guidance on this law The draft contains a number of important clarifications of the localisation requirements applicable to ...

