161-170 of 247 results

Senate passes Emissions Reduction Fund legislation
Insight 10 Nov 2014

The Senate has passed legislation for the establishment of an emissions reduction fund to purchase carbon abatement ...

Implementing Australia's free trade commitments with Japan, Korea and Chile
Insight 06 Nov 2014

The Commonwealth has recently made regulation to implement Australias commitments under its free trade agreements with Japan Korea and Chile which will ease certain foreign investment review and life insurance business regulations for investors from those countries Japan Sector Leader and Partner ...

Victorian Government releases major energy sector statement
Insight 03 Nov 2014

The Victorian Government has issued a statement setting out its view of the states strategic objectives for the energy sector and the Governments energy priorities Energy Resources Infrastructure Partner and Government Sector Leader Paul Kenny and Associate Monique Donato provide an overview ...

'Publish what you pay' may be on its way!
Insight 03 Nov 2014

A new Bill has been introduced into the Federal Parliament which might herald the arrival of publish what you pay legislation in Australia Partner Igor Bogdanich and Senior Associate Penny Alexander examine the background to the Bill together with the implications for Australian companies operating ...

100 member rule to be abolished
Insight 24 Oct 2014

The 100 member rule for convening company meetings will be abolished under legislative amendments introduced into Parliament this week following consultation by the Federal Government on draft legislation earlier this year Proposed streamlining of remuneration disclosure obligations is also still ...

Broader reform themes evident in ASIC's forestry schemes submission
Insight 22 Oct 2014

ASICs Senate submission on forestry schemes has emphasised important regulatory reform themes with implications for managed investment schemes and financial services regulation more generally Partner Marc Kemp Consultant Derek Heath and Lawyer Patrick Boyle report ...

New developments in Mongolia - government restructure and new permitting regime
Insight 21 Oct 2014

The Mongolian Government has been particularly active in the first half of October introducing changes to Ministerial responsibilities and a draft Law that if enacted would reform the nations permitting regime These developments will be of interest to existing and prospective investors in Mongolia ...

Unlocking the tax value of greenfield exploration expenditure
Insight 20 Oct 2014

Draft legislation has been released that contains details of the Exploration Development Incentive announced as part of the 2014-15 Federal Budget The scheme is designed to encourage equity investment in greenfield explorers by enabling explorers to issue exploration credits to its investors Partner ...

Will Queensland reform its biodiscovery regime?
Insight 14 Oct 2014

The Federal Government proposed significant changes to the regulation of biodiscovery earlier this year when it released a model for the implementation of the Nagoya Protocol Partner Michael Morris and Associate Julieane Bull report on the potential flow-on effects for Queenslands regulatory regime ...

A new market for Australian uranium
Insight 07 Oct 2014

The Australian Government has signed an agreement with India for the sale of uranium and has now made the agreement publicly available Partner Richard Malcolmson Senior Associates Emily Gerrard and Anna Vella and Lawyer Jayde Geia report on the agreement and its implications ...

