171-180 of 549 results

Considering Robo-advice
Insight 17 Apr 2019

The Australian Financial Complaints Authority AFCA the new one-stop-shop for resolving financial complaints has had a very busy first six months of operation ...

Design and distribution obligations - products caught (or excluded)
Insight 17 Apr 2019

Four and a half years after the FSI recommended a targeted and principles-based design and distribution obligation the Design and Distribution Obligations and Product Intervention Powers Act 2019 the Act has recently received the Royal Asset Although the design and distribution obligations will not ...

AFCA: The first six months - and the year ahead
Insight 17 Apr 2019

The Australian Financial Complaints Authority AFCA the new one-stop-shop for resolving financial complaints has had a very busy first six months of operation ...

ACCC releases draft Consumer Data Right Rules for consultation
Insight 15 Apr 2019

In preparation for the implementation of the first phase of the Consumer Data Right on 1 July 2019 the ACCC has released draft CDR Rules for consultation The draft rules detail how the CDR will function across all designated sectors in practice including how data is to be shared the criteria for ...

Australia-Hong Kong Free Trade Agreement, draft CDR rules and other developments
Insight 05 Apr 2019

Welcome to our monthly snapshot of regulatory updates and other developments in corporate law We know you are busy so our focus is on capturing key issues ...

ASIC continues clamp down on shareholder intention statements
Insight 01 Apr 2019

Bidders and targets must exercise caution in securing shareholder support over more than 20 per cent of target shares for bids and schemes, as ASIC continues its clamp down on shareholder intention statements and prepares to issue new guidance on 'truth in takeovers' ...

Contract Law Update 2018
Insight 26 Mar 2019

This Insight examines the latest developments in contract law ...

Whistleblower reforms pass, gun-jumping penalties and other developments
Insight 21 Mar 2019

Welcome to our monthly snapshot of regulatory updates and other developments in corporate law We know you are busy so our focus is on capturing key issues ...

ACCC 2019 Enforcement Priorities
Insight 28 Feb 2019

A number of industries and issues are in the spotlight following release of the ACCCs 2019 Enforcement and Compliance Priorities by Chairman Rod Sims on 26 February ...

Report: Private Equity Horizons 2019
Insight 18 Feb 2019

With dealmakers taking full advantage of highly accessible financing and a massive hoard of dry powder to close more buyouts than before 2018 was one of the most active years ever for private equity in Australia The mountain of dry powder competing for limited opportunities combined with elevated ...

