171-180 of 351 results

National Electricity and Gas rules update: September 2020
Insight 12 Oct 2020

In our latest update, we examine the progress of new and existing rule change requests to the AEMC across the month of September, as well as take a closer look at the ESB's progress on its Post-2025 Market Design. ...

Technology Investment Roadmap
Insight 01 Oct 2020

Technologies that will play a fundamental role in addressing the current shortcomings of our electricity networks and driving investor confidence in the energy sector. Learn more on what our experts have to say. ...

Linklaters Insight: Japan Offshore Wind (3rd Edition)
Insight 15 Sep 2020

Despite the Covid-19 pandemic, the offshore wind industry in Japan recently achieved several significant milestones. Download the latest report from our global partner, Linklaters. ...

National Electricity and Gas rules update: August 2020
Insight 15 Sep 2020

In our latest update, we examine the progress of new and existing rule change requests to the AEMC across the month of August, as well as take a closer look at the ESB's Interim Reliability Measure. ...

Capturing the hydrogen opportunity for Australia and Japan
Insight 08 Sep 2020

Australian hydrogen exports are expected to contribute $1.7 billion to the economy and create 2800 jobs by 2030. This presents an enormous opportunity for Australian business. Our latest guide aims to help understand the opportunities and how to move forward. ...

National Electricity and Gas rules update: July 2020
Insight 21 Aug 2020

In our latest update , we examine the progress of new and existing rule change requests to the AEMC across the month of July, as well as take a closer look at AER's Customer Service Incentive Schem ...

Consultation begins on the CDR energy rules framework
Insight 11 Aug 2020

An overview of the ACCC's approach to the CDR Rules and CDR data sets for the energy sector, and matters which may require energy-specific rules. This article provides and highlights the key issues which have been left open for further consideration. ...

Report: National Electricity & Gas Rules Update: June 2020
Insight 13 Jul 2020

In our latest update, we examine the progress of new and existing rule change requests to the AEMC across the month of June, as well as take a closer look at AEMO's high-level design for the wholesale demand response mechanism. ...

Opportunities to contribute to Australia's domestic oil storage
Insight 03 Jul 2020

We take a look at the opportunity to contribute to Australia's future domestic oil storage infrastructure pursuant to the Agreement on an International Energy Program, and the key matters to address in an RFI submission. ...

Workplace manslaughter: Victoria's new workplace crime
Insight 03 Jul 2020

Under Victoria's new offence of workplace manslaughter, if a corporation or officer (which can extend to senior managers) is negligent and that results in a fatality, there will be a risk of criminal prosecution. Individuals will risk a lengthy sentence of imprisonment. ...

