171-180 of 182 results

Greater flexibility for onshore petroleum tenure holders in Queensland
Insight 03 Jun 2014

Queenslands petroleum legislation was recently amended to provide greater flexibility to onshore petroleum tenure holders for a variety of matters including extensions to work programs and terms of authorities to prospect relinquishment conditions and work programs and greater flexibility in both ...

Tax deductions for mining rights and information
Insight 30 May 2014

Legislation amending the timing of tax deductions for expenditure incurred on acquiring mining rights and mining information has been introduced into federal Parliament The new law will remove the immediate tax deduction for the cost incurred by a mining entity in acquiring mining rights or mining ...

Queensland retail energy reform
Insight 27 May 2014

The Queensland Government has introduced legislation to apply the National Energy Customer Framework to the sale of electricity and gas to retail customers in Queensland ...

Negative report on floating LNG technology in WA
Insight 19 May 2014

A major report on the economic viability of using floating LNG technology in WA has found it has the potential to impact negatively on that States domestic gas supply and the State Governments revenue base Partners Tracey Greenaway and Mark McAleer and Lawyer Anne Beresford consider the key findings ...

Queensland's coal and CSG overlapping tenure regime getting a makeover
Insight 01 May 2014

The Queensland Government has released proposed changes to the legislative framework for regulating overlapping coal and coal seam gas tenure which has been a vexed issue since the emergence of the coal seam gas industry in Queensland The changes principally reflect the industry proposal in the ...

PNG's ownership of minerals and hydrocarbons
Insight 29 Apr 2014

The Papua New Guinea Constitution will be amended to reflect the states ownership of hydrocarbons and minerals under proposals to be put before the PNG Parliament Partner Vaughan Mills and Senior Associate Sarah Kuman report on the implications of these amendments ...

Using 'reasonable endeavours' - the importance of internal contractual standards
Insight 28 Apr 2014

The High Court has recently highlighted the significance of internal contractual standards when interpreting an obligation to use reasonable endeavours Partner Nick Rudge and Lawyers Goran Gelic and Timothy Leschke report on this development and its implications ...

Queensland Government proposes land access reforms
Insight 15 Apr 2014

The Queensland Government has released a discussion paper setting out proposed reforms to the States land access regime for public and private land The paper closely follows other discussion papers released recently in respect of proposed reforms to restricted land and the process for notifying and ...

Changes recommended to the Regional Planning Interests Bill
Insight 19 Mar 2014

The Queensland State Development Infrastructure and Industry Committee has recommended aspects of the Regional Planning Interests Bill 2013 be amended Partner Bill McCredie and Senior Associate Michael Zissis outline the committees key recommendations and the next steps towards the implementation of ...

High Court rules mining leases and native title can co-exist
Insight 13 Mar 2014

The High Court ruled that certain mining leases in WA did not extinguish all native title rights, but rather the two rights co-exist. In doing so, the High Court took the opportunity to clarify the test for determining when native title rights will be extinguished by statutory grants at common law. ...

