171-180 of 189 results

Australia's new Multinational Anti-avoidance Law moves ahead of OECD consensus
Insight 14 May 2015

The Government has announced as part of the Budget that it will introduce a new multinational anti-avoidance law into Part IVA of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 The new law will apply to tax benefits obtained on or after 1 January 2016 It is aimed at 30 identified multinationals with Australian ...

GST on offshore services and intangible supplies
Insight 14 May 2015

GST is to be applied to the supply of services and other intangibles by non-residents to Australian consumers under legislation proposed to apply from 1 July 2017 This will include the supply of digital products and the supply of other services The liability for GST on such supplies made through an ...

Federal Budget 2015: Start-ups in the spotlight
Insight 13 May 2015

With a 55 billion Jobs and Small Business Package Treasurer Joe Hockey placed start-ups and small businesses front-and-centre of the Australian Federal Governmentrsquos 2015-16 BudgetnbspPartner Gavin Smith Senior Associates Valeska Bloch and Shaun Cartoon and Associate Tom Griffin look at the key ...

Your 'Metadata' as Personal Information
Insight 07 May 2015

In a decision published this week the Australian Privacy Commissioner has clarified that metadata may be personal information when an organisation has the capacity and resources to link that information to an individual Partner Michael Pattison Associate Priyanka Nair and Law Graduate Leah Wickman ...

Digital First: Government releases alpha Digital Service Standard
Insight 04 May 2015

The Australian Government has released its alpha Digital Service Standard which establishes criteria that all Australian digital government services must meet to ensure they are simpler faster and easier to use ...

Update strengthens legal avenues for online copyright rights holders
Insight 24 Apr 2015

Telecommunications industry body the Communications Alliance has submitted an updated Copyright Notice Scheme to allow rights holders to better use existing legal avenues to defend their rights The updated Notice Scheme resolves a number of issues that were left open when the first draft of the ...

United States implements novel sanctions regime to combat cyber threats
Insight 22 Apr 2015

President Barack Obama has issued an Executive Order enabling the US Department of Treasury to implement targeted sanctions against foreign individuals or entities whose cyber-enabled activities result in significant threats to the national security foreign policy economic health or financial ...

Website-blocking injunctions to prevent online piracy
Insight 14 Apr 2015

In an effort to reduce the rate of online copyright infringement the Australian Government has introduced a Bill that will allow copyright owners to apply for an injunction requiring internet service providers to take steps to block piracy websites from their users Senior Associate Jonathan ...

Federal Government passes wide-ranging data retention laws
Insight 08 Apr 2015

Telecommunications and internet service providers will incur significant new compliance costs under the Federal Government's controversial new data retention laws. ...

ASIC highlights importance of cyber resilience
Insight 01 Apr 2015

Key cyber risks faced by ASICs regulated population as well as the legal and compliance obligations to manage those risks are highlighted in a new ASIC report ASIC also identifies steps entities can take to address the risks The report marks a growing focus on cyber security issues by ASIC which is ...

