181-190 of 454 results

Report: Changes to Australia's IP laws take effect
Insight 31 Aug 2018

The Intellectual Property Laws Productivity Commission Response Part 1 and Other Measures Act 2018 Cth commenced on 25 August 2018 The Act implements various recommendations that the Productivity Commission made in its inquiry into Australias IP arrangements We discuss the key changes ...

Environment Protection Amendment Bill 2018 becomes law, in a root and branch overhaul of Victoria's environmental law
Insight 30 Aug 2018

The Environment Protection Amendment Act 2018 has passed the Victorian Parliament The Act is an ambitious overhaul of Victorian environmental law and plants the seeds for a robust new environmental regime ...

Design and distribution of financial products - regulating 'retail product distribution conduct'
Insight 30 Jul 2018

The revised exposure draft Bill concerning design and distribution obligations for issuers and distributors of financial products and new intervention powers for ASIC includes some modest yet mostly welcome changes to the December 2017 exposure draft Senior Regulatory Counsel Michael Mathieson ...

A new framework for transmission network connections
Insight 30 Jul 2018

The amendments to the National Electricity Rules will provide a new framework for transmission network connections. ...

Modern Slavery Bill introduced - how will this impact Australian businesses?
Insight 28 Jun 2018

The Modern Slavery Bill has been introduced into Federal Parliament If it passes Australian entities or entities carrying on business in Australia with at least 100 million global consolidated revenue will be required to submit a statement on risks of modern slavery in their operations and supply ...

A new era for Victoria's environmental protection
Insight 26 Jun 2018

The Environment Protection Amendment Bill is the first major overhaul of Victorias environmental law in almost 50 years introducing a general environmental duty requiring all Victorian businesses, industry and community members to prevent environmental harm. ...

What you need to know about the national energy guarantee and demand response
Insight 19 Jun 2018

Following the Energy Security Boards release of the National Energy Guarantee Draft Detailed Design Consultation Paper Partner Kate Axup Associate Mark Leersnyder and Lawyer Mohamed Khairat consider the challenges and opportunities surrounding demand response as an alternative form of dispatchable ...

National Energy Guarantee enters critical consultation phase
Insight 18 Jun 2018

The Energy Security Board has released its Draft Detailed Design Consultation Paper The paper flags some interesting developments from the April high-level design with further detail expected in technical working group papers flagged for release one week into the four-week consultation period ...

The end of the unit trust monopoly - tranche 1 of the revised CCIV bill
Insight 15 Jun 2018

On 13 June 2018 the Federal Government released the first tranche of the revised exposure draft legislation for the new corporate collective investment vehicle one of the two forms of collective investment vehicle which it pledged to develop as part of the 2016-2017 budget We are undertaking a ...

Class action and litigation funding review - ALRC grapples with thorny issues
Insight 06 Jun 2018

As part of its current inquiry into class actions and litigation funders the Australian Law Reform Commission has released a discussion paper that is a timely contribution to the long-running debate on the appropriate regulation of class action proceedings and litigation funding In general it ...

