11-20 of 707 results

Safety in numbers: renewables portfolio financing in the Australian market
Insight 18 Mar 2024

In this Insight, we've set out some of the key points for consideration by sponsors and lenders when contemplating the financing of a renewables portfolio. ...

Common FIRB issues for private equity firms
Insight 29 Feb 2024

Australia's foreign investment approval regime is complex. The tests governing whether a transaction requires foreign investment approval—commonly known as Foreign Investment Review Board (FIRB) approval—are complex and layered. ...

Giving new meaning to 'going off grid': can alternatives to utility scale generation solve the energy transition?
Insight 26 Feb 2024

Challenges facing the energy transition present opportunities for consumers and investors. Can alternatives to utility scale generation solve the energy transition? ...

Opportunities for private capital to increase renewables investment, despite the transmission logjam
Insight 22 Feb 2024

Amid fears that Australia's ambitious grid buildout is falling behind schedule, how are investors continuing to deploy capital in renewables projects? ...

Jumping the starter's gun – what banks and clients utilising derivatives can learn from ASIC's new guidance on pre-hedging
Insight 21 Feb 2024

The Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC) has released guidance clarifying its expectations in relation to a bank, or other intermediary, pre-hedging derivative exposures.   ...

Vietnam adopts more stringent rules on ownership in banks and their operations
Insight 01 Feb 2024

The newly passed Law on Credit Institutions 2024 (effective from 1 July 2024) will lower the ownership limits in Vietnamese credit institutions to address cross-ownership issues. It will also impose stricter ownership disclosure requirements to increase market transparency. ...

Australia - Fund Finance 2024, 8th Edition
Insight 31 Jan 2024

Fund financing activities in Australia remained strong in 2017 with particular focus on infrastructure private equity funds and private debt funds all of which took advantage of the additional liquidity and funding flexibility in this market ...

Another year, another FFSP update: what is the status of the FFSP reforms?
Insight 29 Jan 2024

In this Insight, we'll bring you up to speed on the latest updates to the FFSP regime, preparing you for what's ahead. ...

Payments regulation reform update: the Government consults on the regulation of payment service providers
Insight 20 Dec 2023

The Treasury recently published a further consultation paper in connection with its proposal to introduce a new licensing framework for payments-related activities. It refines and clarifies the proposals in the previous consultation paper published in June 2023. ...

Vietnam bond investment guide
Insight 13 Dec 2023

This guide provides a comprehensive overview of corporate bonds, and discusses some key legal and practical issues for foreign investors and domestic issuers on bond transactions in Vietnam. ...

