11-20 of 314 results

A twist in the road for auto class actions
Insight 14 Sep 2023

This Insight summarises our key takeaways from the decision and includes our reflections on the implications for the class action risk facing automakers. ...

Unfair contract terms subject to penalties: is your organisation ready?
Insight 21 Jun 2023

Time is of the essence for companies to prepare for changes to unfair contract terms (UCT) laws. The new regime will apply to standard form contracts entered into or renewed following 9 November 2023, and to terms of standard contract terms varied after this date. ...

Assessing damages through the rear view mirror: Quantum issues in automotive class actions
Insight 02 May 2023

Toyota Appeal gives comfort to automakers that courts will recognise efforts to resolve product defects. ...

Recalibration of the ACCC's approach to merger reform
Insight 21 Apr 2023

In this Insight, we explain these further details and how the proposed reforms have changed since first being raised in 2021. ...

Key issues in designing a mandatory merger regime for a modern economy

In this Insight, we examine what the ACCC has put forward so far and the implications, drawing on the experience and architecture of regimes overseas. ...

ACCC 2023/2024 enforcement priorities
Insight 14 Mar 2023

Competition and consumer law issues in financial services, essential services and wholesale gas markets will be a focus for the ACCC. Cartels and anti-competitive conduct remain an ongoing focus. In terms of consumers and small businesses, there will be particular focus on manipulative or deceptive advertising practices in connection with digital services and 'green' claims. The ACCC is also advocating for law reform in relation to digital platforms, unfair trading, consumer guarantees and merger control. ...

EVs and excise: constitutional challenge to Victoria's electric vehicle road user charge
Insight 25 Jan 2023

A constitutional challenge to the Victorian electric vehicle road user charge has brought into sharp focus the balance of taxing rights as between the states and the Federal Government. The case may have broad-ranging implications for federal and state tax bases. ...

