191-200 of 247 results

ASIC's proposed competition objective
Insight 08 Jul 2014

In its submission to the Financial System Inquiry the Australian Securities and Investments Commission has proposed the addition of a statutory objective to enable ASIC to consider the impact of its decision making on competition when exercising its statutory powers and functions This paper explores ...

Government releases FOFA regulations
Insight 30 Jun 2014

The Governments much anticipated FOFA regulations were registered today and provide significant relief for benefits provided to employees and representatives of product issuers who provide general advice They also expressly allow bonuses to be linked to successful product sales providing the bonus ...

Senate report card on ASIC
Insight 30 Jun 2014

While the media has focused on the more sensational recommendations of last weeks Senate report on the Australian Securities and Investments Commission there are a number of other interesting comments and themes that provide some clues about future regulation by the Federal Government surveillance ...

Reforms to resource royalty administration and collection in Queensland
Insight 27 Jun 2014

Legislative amendments have been passed in Queensland recently to strengthen the State Governments ability to administer its resource royalty regime Partner Ben Zillmann and Lawyer Giselle Kilvert consider the changes and what they mean for resource companies and importantly their executives ...

School chaplaincy program remains out of bounds of federal power
Insight 26 Jun 2014

In a decision that has potential implications for a raft of Federal Government programs the High Court held that legislation passed to authorise hundreds of government funding arrangements is invalid insofar as it relates to the national schools chaplaincy program The decision once again confirms ...

Business as usual after state and territory budgets handed down
Insight 26 Jun 2014

All of the states and territories have now delivered their budgets for the coming financial year Although there are no major changes to state and territory taxes there are some minor changes in each jurisdiction Partner Katrina Parkyn and Lawyer Scott Lang report on the notable developments for ...

Budget wrap - significant infrastructure investment and divestment
Insight 24 Jun 2014

Following last weeks release of the New South Wales and South Australian budgets it is clear that most state and territory budgets handed down since the Federal Budget have shown an alignment with the Federal Governments national agreement on infrastructure investment and asset recycling Partner ...

Introduction of the Emissions Reduction Fund Bill
Insight 23 Jun 2014

The Federal Government has introduced into Parliament legislation for the establishment of its proposed Emissions Reduction Fund which will provide businesses with opportunities to enter into contracts under which the Government pays them for undertaking carbon abatement Partner Grant Anderson and ...

Federal Government announces FOFA changes
Insight 20 Jun 2014

The Federal Government has announced that it will press ahead with changes to the future of financial advice provisions, initially by regulation and then by legislation ...

Media control and ownership: (re)starting the discussion
Insight 13 Jun 2014

A policy background paper on media control and ownership released by the federal Department of Communications aims to restart the discussion on media law reform The paper does not draw conclusions or make recommendations but adopts a deregulatory tone Partner Ian McGill Senior Associate Matt Vitins ...

