201-210 of 461 results

Product safety snapshots – year in review
Insight 05 Sep 2019

The last 18 months were a busy time for product safety. Consumers found redress via the courts (in the form of class actions) and the regulator (in the form of product recalls). ...

Strengthening protection of Indigenous Culture and Intellectual Property
Insight 28 Aug 2019

Recent attention surrounding use of the Aboriginal flag, and the ACCC's limited success against Birubi Art, highlight the importance of strengthening protection of Indigenous Culture and Intellectual Property. ...

The ACCC looking to the future – what is a 'representation with respect to a future matter'?
Insight 28 Aug 2019

After losses in the Federal Court, the ACCC has now appealed decisions in cases against Kimberly-Clark and Woolworths. In both cases, the ACCC alleged that misleading representations were made with respect to future matters. ...

Repeal of IP exemption from competition laws to take effect soon
Insight 28 Aug 2019

Section 51(3) of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth) (the CCA ), which currently exempts conditional licensing or assignment of IP rights from most of the prohibitions on anti-competitive ...

No safe harbours for mortgage brokers in latest reforms
Insight 27 Aug 2019

Hot on the heels of its Implementation Roadmap, the Federal Government has released draft legislation introducing a best interests duty and banning conflicted remuneration for mortgage brokers. ...

Federal Court imposes $34.5 million penalty on shipping cartel participant; ACCC commences inquiry into Murray Darling basin; and Europcar fined for excessive card surcharges
Insight 23 Aug 2019

Federal Court imposes $34.5 million penalty on shipping cartel participant; ACCC commences inquiry into Murray Darling basin; and Europcar fined for excessive card surcharges ...

Treasurer's 'Roadmap' more a reminder than an explainer
Insight 19 Aug 2019

The Treasurer, the Honourable Josh Frydenberg, released the Government's 'Implementation Roadmap' today to 'provide clarity and certainty' about the Government's ongoing work to implement the recommendations of the Royal Commission ...

