211-220 of 694 results for 'consumer data right'

What to expect from the new Labor Government on competition policy? Part 1
Insight 31 May 2022

On 20 May 2022, the new Labor Government published a competition policy outline that pointed to a strong focus on consumer and small business protections. This Insight outlines the above policy objectives and what these mean for your organisation. ...

Getting its priorities straight - ACCC's 2019 product safety priorities
Insight 20 Mar 2019

Just in time for World Consumer Rights Day on 15 March 2019 the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission ACCC formally announced its 2019 Product Safety Priorities Partner Miriam Stiel and Senior Associate Julia Taylor explain which issues remain in the hot seat and whats new on the agenda ...

Privacy Act changes raise the bar
Insight 08 Nov 2022

A number of high profile data breaches and cyber attacks have occurred over the last month. The Government's immediate response is increase the penalties associated with serious breaches of the Privacy Act and provide the OAIC with enhanced enforcement and information gathering and sharing powers. ...

Dealing with data: emerging trends in M&A transactions
Insight 27 Nov 2019

Data remains one of the most undervalued assets, with most companies still failing to even include it as an asset on their balance sheet. Buyers and sellers who can recognise data assets and properly demonstrate how value can be extracted from them will be best placed for future M&A transactions. ...

Food fraud and technology - opportunities and limitations
Insight 17 Dec 2018

The high-profile ‘fake honey’ scandal has made food fraud front-page news in Australia in 2018. With the ACCC having now concluded its honey investigation, due to ‘testing uncertainty’, we explore how new technologies like blockchain could potentially assist in preventing food fraud. ...

Where are all the data breach class actions in Australia?
Insight 17 Oct 2018

Class actions arising out of data breaches have been common in the US for some time but in Australia were yet to see a plaintiff bring such an action successfully In some ways this is unsurprising Despite the fact that data breaches are now commonplace and that class action law firms are ...

Competition news
Insight 14 Sep 2016

In Touch looks at what's been happening in Competition this month and what it means for your business ...

ASIC and APRA announce strategic priorities
Insight 30 Aug 2023

In this Insight, we consider the key trends, similarities and differences we have observed across ASIC and APRA's Corporate Plan. We also explain what to expect on the regulators' supervision and enforcement agendas in the near future. ...

Competition law update
Insight 08 Apr 2014

In touch: Competition law update is a regular publication by the Allens Competition Law group to keep you informed of the latest news and developments in this area ...

Your data breach response plan should...
Insight 21 Feb 2018

Your data breach response plan should ...

