211-220 of 452 results

Competition news
Insight 05 Sep 2018

In Touch looks at what's been happening in Competition this month and what it means for your business ...

Higher penalties for consumer law breaches come into effect
Insight 04 Sep 2018

New laws come into effect this week that substantially increase the maximum penalties for contraventions of the Australian Consumer Law The changes were a headline recommendation of the Australian Consumer Law Review and a range of other recommended reforms are currently before Federal Parliament We ...

Full Federal Court speaks on competing class actions
Insight 30 Aug 2018

In the latest instalment in the attempts to deal with competing shareholder class actions the Full Federal Court has ordered the transfer of four shareholder class actions against AMP to the Supreme Court of New South Wales where a fifth class action is already pending In doing so the court gave the ...

Recent developments in non-executive director remuneration
Insight 22 Aug 2018

Encouraging share ownership by non-executive directors through non-executive director share rights plans is set to increase following a recent ATO class ruling. ...

Competition news
Insight 22 Aug 2018

In Touch looks at what's been happening in Competition this month and what it means for your business ...

Competing class actions - a problem in need of a solution
Insight 20 Aug 2018

As fertile ground for class actions the Royal Commission has highlighted an ongoing problem with Australia's class action regime - there is no clear consistent means for resolving competing class actions. ...

Expert review into fees and costs disclosure - further changes ahead
Insight 20 Aug 2018

Many of you will be familiar with the long and tortured history of fees and costs disclosure regulation in Australia. The most recent set of issues can be traced back to 2014 when ASIC tried to address what it considered to be gaps in and inconsistent application of the former regime ...

Corporate governance beyond shareholder interests
Insight 14 Aug 2018

The proposed 4th edition of the ASX Corporate Governance Principles amp Recommendations includes substantial changes to Principle 3 Instil the desired culture to focus squarely on social licence to operate with stronger reference to stakeholders beyond shareholders and specific recommendations on ...

Allens' submission to ALRC Class Actions Inquiry - time to revisit the checks and balances
Insight 14 Aug 2018

The Australian Law Reform Commissions Inquiry into Class Actions and Third Party Litigation Funders provides an important and timely opportunity to reflect on the operation of our class actions regime We have made a detailed submission to the ALRCs Inquiry in which we advocated for a renewed focus ...

ASIC's allocations project - guidance from abroad
Insight 13 Aug 2018

ASIC is examining the allocations process in capital raising transactions We report on ASICs allocations project and the influences that the regulators in the UK and in Europe may have on the project ...

