221-230 of 549 results

ACCC cartel action against Cryosite is a strong reminder of rules prohibiting 'gun jumping'
Insight 13 Jul 2018

The Federal Court proceeding instituted by the ACCC against Cryosite Limited involving supposed cartel conduct alleging gun jumping in a merger. ...

Has the ATO tolled the bell for demerger and acquisition scheme structures?
Insight 13 Jul 2018

The Deputy Commissioner of Taxation has formally refused a request from AMA Group Limited for demerger relief in connection with a demerger and acquisition transaction involving private equity firm Blackstone casting doubt on the availability of capital gains and income-tax relief for transactions ...

Corporate law developments
Insight 09 Jul 2018

Welcome to our monthly snapshot of regulatory updates and other developments in corporate law We know you are busy so our focus is on capturing key issues ...

Competition news
Insight 27 Jun 2018

In Touch looks at what's been happening in Competition this month and what it means for your business ...

VLRC takes first cut at class action reform
Insight 22 Jun 2018

The VLRC has completed its review of Victoria's class action regime, with a particular focus on the effect of litigation funding. The report calls for national regulation of litigation funding, lifting the ban on contingency fees and a greater supervisory role for the Victorian Supreme Court. ...

Update on the Royal Commission
Insight 22 Jun 2018

A lot has happened since our most recent update The Royal Commission has published the submissions received from ASIC and industry participants on policy questions posed by Counsel Assisting at the end of the financial advice hearings And the small business lending hearings have been held ...

Defamation law developments in the digital context
Insight 20 Jun 2018

The NSW Attorney-General has released the long-awaited statutory review of the Defamation Act 2005 (NSW), recommending that consideration be given to certain changes to the Model Defamation Provisions that form the basis for the National Uniform Defamation Law. The High Court's decision in Trkulja v ...

When trade mark law gets Messi, better call the Dr (Dre)
Insight 20 Jun 2018

Having a famous name has many perks, and as Lionel Messi recently found out, registering your name as a trade mark is one of these. However, such fame is a double-edged sword, as Dr Dre recently experienced. ...

Drones – a patent perspective
Insight 20 Jun 2018

The military and high-priced wedding videographers are no longer the only ones actively using drones. Companies from a variety of fields are coming up with innovative uses for drone technologies, and patenting them. Associate Evan Wilcox, aeronautical engineer turned patent attorney, describes a few ...

Brace for the Twitterstorm – US appeals court to decide whether embedded Tweets infringed copyright
Insight 20 Jun 2018

A US district court judge has found that several online publishers infringed copyright when they embedded Tweets featuring a photograph protected by copyright. The decision has now been appealed, and could have far-reaching consequences for online media outlets. ...

