221-230 of 464 results

Climate change features again in latest coal mine refusal
Insight 26 Sep 2019

Last week the NSW Independent Planning Commission (IPC) refused development consent for the Bylong Coal Project (Project). ...

Builders' duty of care for defective works continues to narrow
Insight 23 Sep 2019

A recent UK decision1 continues the judicial trend of limiting the circumstances in which a builder will be liable in negligence for pure economic loss caused by its defective works. ...

Report: securing the missing benefits of Australia's infrastructure boom
Insight 05 Aug 2019

The scale of Australia's infrastructure boom is unprecedented: never before has the country sought to deliver so many complex infrastructure projects in such a short space of time. ...

Propelling city growth: securing the missing benefits of Australia's infrastructure boom
Insight 05 Aug 2019

Australia has a large infrastructure deficit and subsequently, is trying to deliver an unprecedented number of complex projects. ...

Class actions and emerging issues
Insight 30 Jul 2019

The nature of Australia's class action landscape has fundamentally changed since the outset of the regimes. ...

Navigating split dispute resolution clauses – where's Google Maps when you need it?
Insight 15 Jul 2019

A recent Supreme Court of Victoria decision sounds a warning to principals and contractors alike – your dispute resolution clause must be clear and unambiguous, because the court will not go out of its way to cure a commercially peculiar, but perfectly workable, clause. ...

Allens advises InfraRed Capital on Curtin University's campus vision
News 12 Jun 2019

Procurement for Stage One began in 2016 and is a cornerstone in the delivery of Curtin University's new Exchange precinct, a transformative hub that delivers genuine mixed-use development to serve ...

