221-230 of 351 results

New developments in Vietnam's renewable energy market
Insight 26 Mar 2019

The Ministry of Industry and Trade of Vietnam the MOIT recently introduced amended regulations on wind power projects and issued new model power purchase agreements for wind projects and rooftop solar power projects New policies and feed-in tariffs for solar power projects are also on the horizon ...

Retailer Reliability Obligation in force soon
Insight 19 Mar 2019

This insight expolres key new design details and areas for consideration for the introduction of the Retail Reliability Obligation as the consultation on the draft National Electricity Rule changes designed to implement it is now open. ...

The Consumer Data Right and energy - what it means and what to do about it
Insight 05 Mar 2019

Following close on the heels of the banking sector Australias energy sector will soon be required to grapple with the implementation of the Consumer Data Right CDR The ACCC has commenced consultation on how the CDR may apply in the energy sector and a CDR bill has been introduced to parliament which ...

Report: National Electricity & Gas Rules Update: February 2019
Insight 01 Mar 2019

In this update we summarise the progress of new and existing rule change requests across the month of February and take a closer look at the ACCCs new consultation paper on the approach for implementing the Consumer Data Right in the energy sector ...

NSW Court's ruling on climate change raises concerns for coal industry
Insight 26 Feb 2019

The recent decision of the NSW Land and Environment Court on the Rocky Hill Coal Project attracted significant press in the past week primarily due to the courts comments regarding climate change in the course of its ruling against the mines approval. ...

Opposition's promise of $1 billion for hydrogen reflects growing optimism
Insight 14 Feb 2019

The Federal Oppositions recent announcement of a 11 billion National Hydrogen Plan to support development of hydrogen technologies and hydrogen refuelling infrastructure is only the latest development demonstrating the industrys potential growth Partner Igor Bogdanich Associate Holly Woodcroft ...

Report: National Electricity & Gas Rules Update: December 2018 - January 2019
Insight 01 Feb 2019

In this update we review the progress of rule changes across the period of December 2018-January 2019 and take a closer look at the AEMCs proposed changes to the regulatory regime for embedded networks ...

Report: National Electricity & Gas Rules Update: November 2018
Insight 18 Dec 2018

In this update we examine the progress of new and existing rule changes across the month of November and take a closer look at opportunities for stakeholders to provide input into the AERs development of a Customer Hardship Policy Guideline ...

Steps taken to progress Strategic Energy Plan
Insight 27 Nov 2018

The Energy Security Board has developed five key outcomes and a list of objectives for the National Electricity Market, and is seeking industry feedback on the proposed metrics for evaluating market performance against these objectives. ...

The revival of the Retailer Reliability Obligation
Insight 20 Nov 2018

In the wake of the last COAG Energy Council meeting at which it was agreed the National Energy Guarantees reliability component should be progressed new draft legislation gives effect to a Retailer Reliability Obligation Partner Anna Collyer and Associate Luisa Colosimo report ...

