221-230 of 521 results

Comments open for North East Link EES scoping requirements
Insight 31 May 2018

The draft scoping requirements for the proposed North East Link projects Environment Effects Statement have been released and are open for public comment until 12 June 2018 ...

International Comparative Legal Guide to Project Finance 2018 - Australia
Insight 25 May 2018

Partners Ben Farnsworth and Michael Ryan outline the main trends and significant developments in Australian project finance Among other factors they discuss restrictions on foreign investment bankruptcy and restructuring proceedings tax and political risk in relation to changes in law ...

Extensive recommendations on security of payment released
Insight 24 May 2018

The Federal Government has released John Murray AMs report into Australian security of payment regimes The Review includes an extensive range of recommendations aimed at achieving legislative best practice and balancing the often competing interests of stakeholders Importantly it makes the case that ...

Exposure Draft to implement tax integrity package for stapled structures released
Insight 23 May 2018

Treasury has released the first of several tranches of exposure draft legislation to implement the Federal Governments tax integrity package for stapled structures and broader tax concessions currently available to certain foreign investors The draft legislation sets out the requirements that ...

2018-19 Federal Budget - superannuation
Insight 15 May 2018

The 2018-19 Federal Budget has introduced a number of proposed superannuation-related changes, with a focus on protecting small balances, young members and existing retirees. ...

One click from meltdown - cyber attacks on critical infrastructure
Insight 03 May 2018

Security experts have been predicting for some time that as critical infrastructure networks become smarter more automated and more connected they will also become more vulnerable to cyber threats Reports last week of extensive attacks on critical infrastructure by hackers associated with the ...

Three things you need to know about the Greater Sydney Commission's final regional and district plans
Insight 23 Mar 2018

The Greater Sydney Commission released the final version of the Greater Sydney Plan (A Metropolis of Three Cities), as well as the final district plans for each of the five districts of the Greater Sydney Region (Western City, Central City, Eastern City, North and South). ...

ACCC's Enforcement and Compliance priorities for 2018
Insight 22 Feb 2018

A number of industries and issues are in the spotlight following release of the ACCCs 2018 Enforcement and Compliance Priorities by ACCC Chairman Rod Sims on 20 February 2018 The financial services energy commercial construction and agriculture sectors will be a focus in 2018 as well as the ...

New restrictions on foreign persons acquiring Australian land and agribusinesses
Insight 01 Feb 2018

The Federal Treasurer has today announced material changes to Australias foreign investment regime which will significantly impact transactions undertaken by foreign persons of Australian land particularly agricultural land and agribusinesses Partner Wendy Rae and Senior Associate Nick Kefalianos ...

Foreign stamp duty surcharge of 7 per cent introduced in South Australia
Insight 23 Jan 2018

South Australia has introduced a stamp duty surcharge of 7 per cent for direct and indirect acquisitions of residential land by foreign purchasers, with effect from 1 January 2018. ...

