221-230 of 554 results

Decision on Love is (up) in the Air
Insight 25 Jun 2020

Music duo Glass Candy and airline Air France were found to have infringed the copyright in the iconic 'Love is in the Air' with the songs 'Warm in the Winter' and 'France is in the Air'. With a number of issues unresolved, this remains a case to watch. ...

The PROOF is in the pudding? Using WIPO's new digital evidence tool to strengthen your IP rights
Insight 25 Jun 2020

WIPO PROOF - WIPO's new service can be used to prove the existence and contents of a digital file at a given time. ...

Lessons from the Australian Intellectual Property Report 2020
Insight 25 Jun 2020

The Office of the Chief Economist of IP Australia published its flagship annual publication, the Australian Intellectual Property Report 2020. The report identifies some key trends, which will assist businesses' understanding of current trends in IP filings in Australia. ...

COVID-19™ – will coronavirus-related trade marks and patent pooling be part of the new normal?
Insight 25 Jun 2020

No COVID-19 related trade marks have yet been registered in Australia; however, several applications are pending, and at least one mark containing the word COVID has been accepted for registration. ...

In Touch: COVID-19 and competition and consumer law issues; concerns over Google's proposed acquisition of Fitbit; and ACCC says proposed 'loyalty program' may raise competition issues
Insight 23 Jun 2020

In COVID-19 news, the authorisation permitting insurers to coordinate on temporary relief measures is being proposed to be extended; and the ACCC has imposed further conditions on coordination between health insurers. Elsewhere, the ACCC has rejected a proposal to set minimum advertised prices for Dewalt power tools, declaring any public benefit was outweighed by the potential consumer detriments. The Federal Court has declined to make declaration that Quantum Housing engaged in unconscionable conduct; and also found in favour of Kimberly-Clark Australia by dismissing the ACCC's appeal regarding Kleenex flushable wipes. Finally, the ACCC has raised concerns with Google's proposed acquisition of Fitbit; and also stated that Caravanning Queensland's proposed 'loyalty program' may raise competition concerns. ...

In Touch: COVID-19 and competition and consumer law issues; news media bargaining code; Holden compensation; CDR accreditation platform now live; and EB Games to refund customers after not playing fair
Insight 10 Jun 2020

COVID-19 and competition and consumer law issues; ACCC fines Queensland Yoghurt Company; news media bargaining code; Holden agrees to reduce speed of engagement with dealers over compensation; ACCC CDR accreditation platform now live; Voltaren gel decision in Federal Court; and EB Games to refund customers after not playing fair. ...

Nucleus – corporate law developments: Regulators assess priorities and continue to respond in the wake of COVID-19; changes to Australia's continuous disclosure laws, FIRB regime and Fair Work Act; ASIC broadens its position and issues further guidance; ASX holds course on the CHESS replacement system; the ACCC continues to allow market coordination; Takeovers Panel guidance on equity derivatives delayed
Insight 09 Jun 2020

Regulators assess priorities and continue to respond in the wake of COVID-19; the Treasurer temporarily modifies the operation of Australia's continuous disclosure laws; ASIC broadens its position and issues further guidance; ASX holds course on the CHESS replacement system; comprehensive reform and further guidance on the temporary changes to the FIRB regime; the ACCC continues to allow market coordination; Takeovers Panel guidance on equity derivatives delayed; and more temporary amendments to Fair Work Act. ...

The CDR is coming to the energy sector – have your say now
Insight 26 May 2020

The Australian Government has commenced consultation on the Consumer Data Right (Energy Sector) Designation 2020, which will apply the CDR to the energy sector. Entities should consider the impact of the CDR on their business, including whether they would like to apply to be an Accredited Data Recipient to obtain access to such energy data. ...

Rokt unsuccessful in the Full Court
Insight 22 May 2020

The Full Court in Rokt Pte Ltd v Commissioner of Patents [2018] FCA 1988 reversed the decision of the trial judge, finding for the Commissioner of Patents that Rokt's digital advertising systems and methods invention does not constitute patentable subject matter. The decision further clarifies the patentability of computer-implemented inventions at Australian law. ...

