231-240 of 257 results

Could superannuation cease to be prudentially regulated?
Insight 02 Sep 2014

The Financial System Inquiry FSI has asked whether superannuation should cease to be prudentially regulated Is this idea likely to go anywhere Dont be so sure that it wont ...

Directors' duties and the interests of 'APRA beneficiaries'
Insight 02 Sep 2014

The interim report of the Financial System Inquiry FSI asks whether directors in different parts of the financial system should have different duties ...

What do the product intervention powers of the UK financial conduct regulator look like?
Insight 02 Sep 2014

If you have been following the Financial System Inquiry you will not have missed the idea of giving the Australian Securities and Investments Commission ASIC additional product intervention powers These powers exist in the UK What do they look like This question is more relevant than ever right now ...

Another step towards prudentially regulating conglomerate groups
Insight 18 Aug 2014

The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority has taken another step towards implementing its prudential framework for the supervision of conglomerate groups While it has made some new prudential standards that are specific to conglomerate groups and extended some of its existing standards to such ...

ASIC's no action position on the wholesale/retail test for self-managed super funds
Insight 11 Aug 2014

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission has announced that it will take no action where a self-managed superannuation fund trustee is treated as a wholesale client notwithstanding that the trustee does not have to meet the 10 million net asset threshold even though the financial service ...

Retirement phase of superannuation
Insight 08 Aug 2014

The Financial System Inquirys interim report has identified the retirement phase of superannuation as a priority issue that requires change If the Federal Government decides to implement various policy options to encourage the development of more suitable products it could result in significant ...

Short on solutions for a growing problem
Insight 08 Aug 2014

The Financial System Inquirys interim report devotes a lot of space to superannuation but doesnt have a great deal to say What is missing from the report is any vision for a retirement income system and it is hard to see how the FSI will bring about any significant changes It is also hard to see ...

The interim report of the Financial System Inquiry
Insight 15 Jul 2014

The Financial System Inquiry Interim Report was issued today There are few surprises in the options and comments although there are some significant omissions There does not appear to be any push for a significant shift in policy or in the regulation of the financial system There will be adjustments ...

ASIC report on disclosure of fees and costs
Insight 08 Jul 2014

Today ASIC released a report outlining the shortcomings in the disclosure of fees and costs for superannuation and managed investment products While everyone may not like what it says and for some it may be too little too late the more detailed discussion of what the law requires may be helpful ...

Development of the corporate bond market
Insight 08 Jul 2014

It has been recognised for some time that the domestic corporate bond market constitutes a weak spot in the otherwise robust and deep Australian capital markets The less developed domestic bond market is a distinguishing feature among the leading financial systems and capital markets This was no ...

