231-240 of 514 results

What might the PC review into superannuation mean for fund investments?
Insight 22 Jun 2018

The Productivity Commission Draft Report into the Efficiency and Competitiveness of Australias superannuation system weighing in at a substantial 549 pages contains a treasure trove of information on and analysis of a wide range of aspects of the industry ...

Update on the Royal Commission
Insight 22 Jun 2018

A lot has happened since our most recent update The Royal Commission has published the submissions received from ASIC and industry participants on policy questions posed by Counsel Assisting at the end of the financial advice hearings And the small business lending hearings have been held ...

Corporate law developments
Insight 15 Jun 2018

Welcome to our monthly snapshot of regulatory updates and other developments in corporate law We know you are busy so our focus is on capturing key issues ...

ASIC overhauls AFS licensing relief for foreign financial service providers
Insight 05 Jun 2018

ASIC has released its consultation paper on licensing relief for foreign financial services providers proposing a new licensing regime that will be broadly in line with that applied to other AFS licensees, but with relief from some provisions of the Australian Corporations Act and the imposition of ...

Royal Commission update
Insight 15 May 2018

The hearings in the Financial Services Royal Commission have been compulsory viewing not only for financial services industry participants and their regulators and professional service providers The hearings have exposed wide-ranging actual or alleged wrongful conduct that has captured the attention ...

2018-19 Federal Budget - superannuation
Insight 15 May 2018

The 2018-19 Federal Budget has introduced a number of proposed superannuation-related changes, with a focus on protecting small balances, young members and existing retirees. ...

Breach reporting by AFS licensees
Insight 15 May 2018

In the hurly burly of the Royal Commissions recent hearings concerning financial advice you may have missed some very important information about breach reporting by AFS licensees contained in the witness statement prepared by Mr Peter Kell Deputy Chair of ASIC ...

ASIC's sanctions and powers to be strengthened
Insight 23 Apr 2018

The Federal Government has announced that it proposes to strengthen ASICs powers and to increase the severity of penalties civil and criminal that can be imposed on individuals and corporations in line with the ASIC Enforcement Review Taskforces recommendations Partner Rachel Nicolson and Senior ...

The Royal Commission heats up
Insight 09 Apr 2018

The Royal Commission into Misconduct in the Banking Superannuation and Financial Services Industry is well underway with its first round of public hearings wrapping up less than a month ago By reference to a number of case studies the first round of hearings focused on consumer lending practices In ...

CCIVs: Lost in translation?
Insight 09 Apr 2018

The long-awaited Exposure Draft containing the tax treatment of the proposed new corporate collective investment vehicle has been released for consultation. ...

