231-240 of 848 results

RG 272 – bringing order through product intervention
Insight 23 Jun 2020

Following its consultation in June last year, ASIC has now published RG 272, setting out ASIC's approach to using its product intervention powers. In this update, we examine the scope of this power and the accompanying regulatory guidance. ...

Annual members' meetings for superannuation funds – physical, electronic hybrid or virtual?
Insight 23 Jun 2020

In May, the Federal Treasurer used emergency powers to temporarily modify the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) to facilitate the holding of public company shareholder meetings virtually, without any attendees required to be physically present. We take a look at the SIS Act requirements, ASIC statements, and the implications for holding members' meeting in the current environment. ...

NSW turns up heat on developers of residential apartment buildings
Insight 12 Jun 2020

The Residential Apartment Buildings (Compliance and Enforcement Powers) Act 2020 (NSW) has passed. For developers of residential apartment buildings, we take a look at the key changes and outline the actions you should take next. ...

NSW reforms to fix building defects – potential for indeterminate liability?
Insight 12 Jun 2020

The NSW Government has enacted new legislation imposing new obligations on design practitioners, engineers and builders and sees a fundamental shift in the relationship between these practitioners and owners as part of its reforms to the building industry. For all owners, builders and designers, we examine these changes and outline steps you can take now. ...

Emerging with strength: key considerations for the oil and gas industry
Insight 12 Jun 2020

The future of the gas industry in Australia remains bright. Global demand for gas is projected to grow at a steady rate over the coming decades, driven by growing populations and economic developme ...

Unprecedented changes in the event of force majeure
Insight 12 Jun 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic and its broad-reaching economic impacts poses a significant challenge to the continuous operation of oil and gas projects in Australia. ...

NOPSEMA issues safety alert for COVID-19 roster changes
Insight 12 Jun 2020

On 7 April 2020, the National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environment Management Authority (NOPSEMA), issued a Safety Alert to all operators of offshore facilities who may be considering modified roster arrangements to reduce the spread of COVID-19 among members of the offshore workforce.  ...

Overhaul of Victorian environmental laws delayed
Insight 12 Jun 2020

The Environment Protection Amendment Act 2018 (Vic) (EP Act), which was set to commence on 1 July 2020 (and overhaul environmental laws in Victoria) will now commence on 1 July 2021 as a part of a suite of emergency measures in response to COVID-19. ...

ACCC conditional interim authorisations
Insight 12 Jun 2020

Since 20 March 2020, the ACCC has granted a number of urgent interim authorisations across a range of industries allowing businesses to collaborate in response to COVID-19. ...

Temporary flexibility introduced for work-bid exploration permits
Insight 12 Jun 2020

The Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources released a new fact sheet, 'COVID-19 Fact Sheet: Work-Bid Exploration Permits' which is effective from 20 April 2020 (COVID-19 Fact Sheet). ...

