2431-2440 of 2871 results

Agency arrangements alright - ANZ and Flight Centre succeed in appeals
Insight 31 Jul 2015

The Full Federal Court today handed down its decisions in two high-profile appeals in relation to ANZ and Flight Centre Both cases dealt with the issue of distribution arrangements and price fixing Partner Carolyn Oddie and Associate Theodore Souris look at the implications for business ...

AIFMD - the future of marketing to European investors
Insight 31 Jul 2015

The European Securities and Markets Association has published its initial advice and opinion on the functioning of the marketing passport and national private placement regimes since the implementation of AIFMD and the possibility of extending the marketing passport to non-European fund managers ...

Judicial review of adjudication determinations - a new expansive approach?
Insight 28 Jul 2015

In a recent decision the Supreme Court of Western Australia quashed two adjudication determinations on the basis of jurisdictional error At the core of the decision was a finding that the adjudicator had misapplied the terms of the relevant construction contract The decision suggests that an ...

Withholding tax on the sale of Australian property by foreign residents exposure draft legislation released
Insight 28 Jul 2015

Exposure draft legislation implementing the Federal Governments promise to introduce a 10 per cent non-final withholding tax on purchasers of certain types of taxable Australian property by foreign residents has been released for review and comment Partner Charles Armitage and Associate Scott Lang ...

Fact sheet: Growing your team: working with interns in your startup
Insight 28 Jul 2015

Many startups look to grow their team by engaging interns work experience students and other unpaid workers ...

ASIC clamps down on SMSF advice
Insight 25 Jul 2015

ASIC has outlined its expectations for financial advice where the client is advised to set up a self-managed superannuation fund ASIC has done so in two publications released yesterday - one deals with the risks associated with SMSFs information sheet 205 and the other with the costs information ...

Workplace relations
Insight 24 Jul 2015

In this issue we look at whether conduct by an employee out-of-hours can justify dismissal what adjustments an employer must make to accommodate an employees disability what obtaining alternative employment means for employers who want to apply to reduce their redundancy obligation and obtaining ...

Tip sheet: Cyber security
Insight 23 Jul 2015

What should businesses do to avoid minimise or remedy the damage caused by a cyber breach ...

Insuring against cyber-risks: a changing landscape
Insight 23 Jul 2015

As cyber-attacks on Australian businesses increase many companies are discovering they are not adequately prepared or insured to handle a cyber-attack ...

Tip sheet: Big data - How to get the most out of your data
Insight 23 Jul 2015

Big data is becoming a significant corporate asset a huge competitive advantage and the foundation of new business models ...

