2481-2490 of 2871 results

Sizing up options for better apartments
Insight 15 May 2015

Victorian Planning Minister Richard Wynne has made his views on apartments known through comments to the media and at industry events about small apartments where he can touch the ceiling and where the shower is over the toilet Mr Wynne has now released a discussion paper on better apartments ...

Timing is everything: Major shareholders exclusions in D&O insurance policies
Insight 15 May 2015

A recent Victorian Supreme Court decision has resolved a disputed construction of a major shareholder exclusion in a DO policy in the insurers favour after considering the broad commercial purpose of these provisions Partner Andrew Maher and Law Graduate Shelley Drenth report ...

WA State Budget - Government responds to economic conditions by significantly widening asset sales program
Insight 15 May 2015

In its 2015 Budget handed down yesterday the WA Government confirmed the expansion of its asset sales program to manage the states debt In response to the first forecast budget deficit in WA in 15 years a significant new second tranche of assets has been added to the sales program Partners Andrew ...

New regulations to kick-start a derivatives market in Vietnam
Insight 15 May 2015

The Vietnamese Government has issued a new decree that lays the foundations for the trading of derivatives and for the establishment of the first derivative market in Vietnam This development is expected to diversify securities products in Vietnam and help enhance liquidity on the Vietnam securities ...

Privacy Awareness Week Update
Insight 14 May 2015

To coincide with Privacy Awareness Week, the OAIC has released a number of business resources. This Insight considers the key implications for stakeholders. ...

Australia's new Multinational Anti-avoidance Law moves ahead of OECD consensus
Insight 14 May 2015

The Government has announced as part of the Budget that it will introduce a new multinational anti-avoidance law into Part IVA of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 The new law will apply to tax benefits obtained on or after 1 January 2016 It is aimed at 30 identified multinationals with Australian ...

High Court limits proportionate liability regime and expands insurers' liability for costs
Insight 14 May 2015

The High Court yesterday overturned a decision of the Full Court of the Federal Court and held that if the same loss is caused by both apportionable and non-apportionable claims proportionate liability does not apply to the non-apportionable claims The High Court also ordered that the defendants ...

GST on offshore services and intangible supplies
Insight 14 May 2015

GST is to be applied to the supply of services and other intangibles by non-residents to Australian consumers under legislation proposed to apply from 1 July 2017 This will include the supply of digital products and the supply of other services The liability for GST on such supplies made through an ...

Federal Budget 2015: Start-ups in the spotlight
Insight 13 May 2015

With a 55 billion Jobs and Small Business Package Treasurer Joe Hockey placed start-ups and small businesses front-and-centre of the Australian Federal Governmentrsquos 2015-16 BudgetnbspPartner Gavin Smith Senior Associates Valeska Bloch and Shaun Cartoon and Associate Tom Griffin look at the key ...

Victorian property tax surcharge on foreign purchasers and absentee landowners
Insight 12 May 2015

The Victorian Government has introduced legislation to impose a 3 per cent stamp duty surcharge on foreign purchasers of residential land and a 05 per cent land tax surcharge on absentee owners of both residential and other land The proposed legislation is very broad and applies to both direct and ...

