241-250 of 339 results

ASIC to seek recovery of investigation costs
Insight 31 Jul 2015

This week ASIC flagged a change in its approach to the exercise of its power to make orders to recover expenses and costs associated with investigations Information Sheet 204 indicates that ASIC will be making greater use of this power to seek recovery of its costs from individuals and companies ...

Support for principals with bank guarantees
Insight 25 Jun 2015

A principal has successfully challenged a decision to grant an interlocutory injunction restraining it from calling on performance bonds ...

High Court limits proportionate liability regime and expands insurers' liability for costs
Insight 14 May 2015

The High Court yesterday overturned a decision of the Full Court of the Federal Court and held that if the same loss is caused by both apportionable and non-apportionable claims proportionate liability does not apply to the non-apportionable claims The High Court also ordered that the defendants ...

What next after FATF's mixed review of Australia's anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing regime?
Insight 11 May 2015

The Financial Action Task Force has released its report on the effectiveness of Australias anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing regime focusing on the extent to which it complies with international standards The reports findings and recommendations come at a key stage in the ...

When are LDs a penalty?
Insight 08 May 2015

The Supreme Court of Queensland recently considered whether liquidated damages in a standard form construction contract were a penalty In a decision that traversed long-held doctrines on penalties and recent developments in emAndrewsem and Paciocco the court ruled that the obligation to pay ...

Third parties are no bar to arbitration: A win for arbitration?
Insight 07 May 2015

The Supreme Court of New South Wales has confirmed in a recent case that the impact of any dispute on third parties will generally not determine its arbitrability which rather will be determined on the proper construction of the arbitration agreement Partner Nick Rudge Senior Associate Alex Price ...

Significant 'blow' for penalties claims
Insight 08 Apr 2015

Today the Full Federal Court clarified the law of penalties as it applies to fees The key development is that in considering whether the amount of a fee is extravagant and exorbitant compared to the potential costs incurred in dealing with a failure to perform an obligation the court held that ...

Class Action Insights
Insight 07 Apr 2015

The recent settlement of the Great Southern class action raises a number of interesting and important issues not only because the court took the unusual step of publishing its reasons for judgment after the settlement had been announced ...

Competition law update
Insight 26 Mar 2015

In touch Competition law update is a regular publication by the Allens Competition Law group to keep you informed of the latest news and developments in this area ...

The driver, the racing team, the Grand Prix and the court - high-speed arbitration enforcement in the Victorian Supreme Court
Insight 16 Mar 2015

In just over a week of fast-paced litigation the Supreme Court of Victoria acted quickly and decisively to enforce an international arbitration award Partner Duncan Travis view CV and Associate Christopher Holland report on the litigation between Dutch driver Giedo van der Garde and Formula One ...

