241-250 of 287 results

What you need to know about mandatory data breach notification
Insight 11 Dec 2017

In response to the rising number of cyberattacks, new legislation has been introduced that proposes a mandatory notification regime that will take effect from February next year. ...

Reasonable belief or a mere suspicion? Full Court lowers the bar on preliminary discovery applications
Insight 11 Dec 2017

The Full Federal Court has handed down a significant decision on preliminary discovery in a result that will be welcomed by IP owners, as the court has clarified the requirements for a successful preliminary discovery application while emphasising the need for such applications to be met with brevit ...

Ambush marketing: traders beware!
Insight 11 Dec 2017

Everyone knows the famous adage that 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend'. But can the friend of my friend be my enemy? In the context of ambush marketing, the answer can be yes. ...

Room for Improvement? Big Data challenges in Health
Insight 11 Dec 2017

'Big data' is revolutionising approaches in all major industries, including the health sector, but Australia's current privacy framework lacks flexibility, and there is insufficient guidance to support compliance. Associate Nick Li looks at the challenges in improving patient care and research outco ...

Bested by 'best method' requirement
Insight 15 Sep 2017

Australias unique statutory best method requirement continues to get the better of patent applicants and patentees Associate Claire Gregg looks at two recent decisions that provide some insight into the requirement of disclosing the best method known to the applicant of performing the invention at ...

Full Federal Court overturns decision allowing patent term extension of 'Swiss-style' claims
Insight 11 Sep 2017

The Full Federal Court has unanimously held that patent term extensions are not available for second medical use claims involving the use of recombinant DNA technology This decision overturns a controversial finding of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal last year and means that any patent term ...

Government responds to Productivity Commission's IP inquiry
Insight 29 Aug 2017

The Federal Government has released its response to the recommendations proposed by the Productivity Commission following its inquiry into Australias IP arrangements ...

Trade mark owners beware
Insight 28 Aug 2017

The Full Federal Court has put trademark owners in Australia making it clear that when trade mark applications are filed in the incorrect name, the defect is fatal. Accordingly, it is vital that trade mark owners conduct a critical analysis of their trade mark portfolios and ensure that valid rights ...

Is it finally safe to eat frozen berries?
Insight 26 Jul 2017

The frozen berries contamination scare that unfolded in 2015 and its 2017 repeat has exposed a regulatory gap at the Australian border. That incident has prompted the introduction of the Imported Food Control Amendment Bill 2017 which, if enacted, will amend the Imported Food Control Act 1992 (Cth). ...

