251-260 of 287 results

Finger buns get a thumbs down from Advertising Standards Board
Insight 26 Jul 2017

Growing community scepticism of sugar has made its way into the Advertising Standards Board, highlighted in a recent decision brought against Bakers Delights advertising of finger buns ...

Australian Consumer Law Review: what you need to know
Insight 26 Jul 2017

A major review of the effectiveness of the Australian Consumer Law has now been completed with the release of the Final Report by Consumer Affairs Australia and New Zealand. ...

Heinz Shredz: ACCC takes it first swing against the sweet stuff
Insight 21 Dec 2016

Associate Adrian Chang and Lawyer Nick Boyd‑Caine report on the proceedings launched by the ACCC against Heinz in relation to their Shredz products, and what that action says about today’s food regulatory environment. ...

The new safe harbour provisions for country of origin claims
Insight 21 Dec 2016

With the new Country of Origin Food Labelling Information Standard’s two‑year transition period ticking down,manufacturers will no doubt be busy aligning their food packaging with its requirements. ...

The Mark of Milk and Money: a2 vs Lion
Insight 21 Dec 2016

The widely reported dispute between The a2 Milk Company and Lion about their milk advertising is proving to be a frothy fight, providing food manufacturers with valuable lessons, even before a judgment has been handed down. ...

Protecting innovation without patents - data exclusivity and market exclusivity
Insight 19 Jul 2016

Developments in patent law and the consequential limitations on patentability for biologic medicines mean that data exclusivity and market exclusivity can be the primary protection afforded to originator biologic medicines This is most stark in the US where patent protection for biologic medicines ...

To bee, or not to bee… Generalised health claims under the Food Standards Code?
Insight 07 Jul 2016

The New Zealand Court of Appeal considered an application by a honey producer seeking a declaration that the labelling of its honey products complied with the requirements for nutrition, health and related claims under the Food Standards Code. ...

Food imports and the Biosecurity Act: What’s changed
Insight 07 Jul 2016

We report on recent changes to the law relating to the importation of food into Australia, introduced by the commencement of the Biosecurity Act 2015 (Cth). ...

The CoOL change is here
Insight 07 Jul 2016

We provide an update on the new Country of Origin Labelling regime which came into effect on 1 July 2016 and the Federal Government’s proposed changes to the safe harbour provisions under the Australian Consumer Law. ...

The new FDA nutrition information panel guidelines
Insight 07 Jul 2016

WE report on the new FDA guidelines regarding nutrition information labels for packaged foods sold in the USA. ...

