251-260 of 848 results

JobKeeper insights from the FWC
Insight 02 Jun 2020

COVID-19 and the introduction of the JobKeeper scheme has had a critical impact on business. In a recent statement, the Fair Work Commission (FWC) shared valuable insights on the trends in disputes emerging in the early days of the scheme and how it will manage these cases moving forward. ...

A pathway to sensible, long-lasting reform – the Federal Government's 'JobMaker' agenda
Insight 02 Jun 2020

In a briefing to the National Press Club on 26 May 2020, Prime Minister Scott Morrison outlined the Federal Government's 'JobMaker' agenda as a key aspect of its plan for economic recovery from the ...

Retail banking and responsible lending during COVID-19
Insight 01 Jun 2020

The sudden and unknown nature of COVID-19 has triggered a global economic shock, and disrupted Australia's economy. As we enter a national state of economic 'hibernation', banks and lenders are grappling with a sudden influx of relief requests from consumer and business customers. ...

Providing financial services 'fairly'
Insight 29 May 2020

The recent Federal Court decision in ASIC v AGM Markets has provided some much needed clarification of what it means to provide financial services 'fairly' in the context of the 'efficiently, honestly and fairly' obligation. ...

The simple case of the SIS Act 'best interests' obligation
Insight 29 May 2020

Commissioner Hayne's comments in his final report, and the surge of community interest in super, have resulted in a renaissance of sorts for the 'best interests' obligation. ...

Financial advice relief – all talk and no-action
Insight 29 May 2020

We said at the outset of this pandemic that financial advice will play an important role in supporting members who are considering whether to access their super early. Alive to that, ASIC recently released a series of measures to facilitate access to financial advice ...

Long overdue – how the new continuous disclosure and litigation funder regulation measures seek to curb entrepreneurial class actions
Insight 28 May 2020

In recent days, the economic uncertainty created by the COVID-19 pandemic has proved the catalyst for the introduction of two long-debated changes to Australia's class action and continuous disclosure regimes. ...

COVID-19 and impacts on fund managers and investors

Webinar: Competition Law Fest 2020 ...

Treasurer temporarily amends continuous disclosure laws during COVID-19 crisis
Insight 26 May 2020

The Treasurer has used his emergency powers under the Corporations Act (the Act) to temporarily modify the operation of Australia's continuous disclosure laws. The Treasurer's release states that the changes are designed to enable listed companies to more confidently provide earnings guidance ...

Key changes from ASIC and AFCA on financial services regulation

Webinar: Key changes from ASIC and AFCA on financial services regulation ...

