271-280 of 464 results

Welcome change to lessor disclosure statements in NSW
Insight 20 Oct 2017

This Insight examines the welcome change from recent legislation in New South Wales that lessens lessor disclosure obligations for retail shop leases. ...

Multisource financing: Making multiple options work
Insight 19 Oct 2017

In an environment where Australian issuers especially from the infrastructure sector are actively seeking diversified funding options two Allens Partners - James Darcy and Scott McCoy - discuss the key structuring considerations for issuers and sponsors wishing to establish debt platforms to access ...

The new corporate collective investment vehicle: Wholesale application?
Insight 07 Sep 2017

This Insight considers whether the new Corporate Collective Inestment Vehichle is likely to replace the unit trust as the vehicle of choice for wholesale (as opposed to retail) fund structures. ...

New corporate collective investment vehicle exposure draft legislation released
Insight 25 Aug 2017

The Federal Government today released exposure draft legislation for the new corporate collective investment vehicle one of the two forms of collective investment vehicle that it pledged to develop as part of the 2016-2017 budget Partners Marc Kemp and Charles Armitage and Senior Overseas ...

Planning for the future of South-East Queensland
Insight 25 Aug 2017

On 11 August 2017, the State Government released the third statutory regional plan and the first regional paln to take effect under the new Queensland Planning Act 2016 for the South-East Queensland region, titled Shaping SEQ. ...

Full Court dismisses Port of Newcastle access appeal
Insight 18 Aug 2017

The Full Federal Court has dismissed the Port of Newcastles application for review of the Australian Competition Tribunals decision to declare the Ports shipping channel service under the National Access Regime The Full Courts decision confirms the interpretation of the current declaration criteria ...

Getting The Deal Through: Boom in renewables
Insight 04 Aug 2017

Allens Partners Ben Farnsworth Michael Ryan and Tim Stewart were part of the global panel analysing the boom in renewables in the Australian project finance market In Getting the Deal Throughs third annual issue focusing on the global project finance markets Ben Michael and Tim look at the trends ...

New PPP guidelines for NSW
Insight 28 Jul 2017

The NSW Government has released updated guidelines that govern the Public Private Partnership (PPP) procurement process in NSW and will provide welcome assistance to both NSW Government agencies and bidding consortiums. ...

Proposed reforms to staged development applications in NSW
Insight 05 Jul 2017

An amendments to the planning legislation has been proposed by the NSW government to provide certainty of outcome for the public Partner 'Paul Lalich senior associate Dennis Smith and Law Graduate James Higgins report. ...

Australia's foreign investment regime - regulatory burden reduced
Insight 03 Jul 2017

Significant changes to Australias foreign investment regime came into effect on 1 July 2017 intended to address concerns regarding this regime raised since its introduction in December 2015 The amendments reduce the regulatory burden in a number of key ways and will impact a range of foreign ...

