271-280 of 659 results

Would you like financial services with your social network? Facebook consortium to launch new cryptocurrency
Insight 09 Jul 2019

In a bold new play, a consortium led by social media giant Facebook has announced plans to enter the financial services sector through the launch of a cryptocurrency called Libra. Both a currency and a blockchain backed payment system, the project could have a profound impact on the financial servic ...

Trend Watch: beta testing – a new software procurement strategy?
Insight 03 Jul 2019

Software company Palantir Technologies was recently announced as the US Army's choice to deploy a complex combat intelligence system valued at US$800 million. ...

Latest word on competing class actions
Insight 24 May 2019

The NSWSC has selected one of five ongoing class actions against AMP Limited to proceed, making a clear statement that multiple class actions raising similar issues should not be permitted without good reason ...

Disputes as to the validity of an agreement - a matter for arbitration or the courts?
Insight 13 May 2019

A recent decision of the High Court confirms the scope of arbitration clauses that refer disputes under a deed or agreement can be broad enough to capture disputes about the validity of the agreement ...

APRA releases 'constructively tough' Enforcement Approach
Insight 18 Apr 2019

In the wake of the Financial Services Royal Commission Royal Commission and the introduction of the Banking Executive Accountability Regime BEAR APRA has undertaken a review of its enforcement strategy The Enforcement Review Final Report APRA Final Report and an updated Enforcement Approach have now ...

ACCC releases draft Consumer Data Right Rules for consultation
Insight 15 Apr 2019

In preparation for the implementation of the first phase of the Consumer Data Right on 1 July 2019 the ACCC has released draft CDR Rules for consultation The draft rules detail how the CDR will function across all designated sectors in practice including how data is to be shared the criteria for ...

Government proposes major changes to privacy law
Insight 09 Apr 2019

The Federal Government has proposed radically increased financial penalties and new powers for the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner in the wake of increased scrutiny of social media platforms and a growing consensus that Australias privacy legislation has fallen behind global norms ...

Contract Law Update 2018
Insight 26 Mar 2019

This Insight examines the latest developments in contract law ...

ASX Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations: 4th edition
Insight 01 Mar 2019

The 4th edition of the ASX Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations focuses strongly on the link between culture, values and community expectations, consistent with the themes that emerged from the Royal Commission. ...

