281-290 of 294 results

Important clarifications of Australian trade mark registrability
Insight 16 Feb 2015

Two recent trade mark cases have widened the field of marks that are potentially registerable in Australia on the basis that those marks are inherently adapted to distinguish. ...

Fighting to protect Fintech innovations
Insight 03 Dec 2014

The growth of financial services technology or Fintech as it is now called has exploded in recent years yet many of its creators dont realise that their innovations are patentable ...

The new look of franchising revealed
Insight 13 Nov 2014

Just over six months after the release of the Exposure Draft for the new Franchising Code of Conduct the new-look Code has been finalised and enacted Partners Tim Golder and Andrew Wiseman and Lawyer Julia Kovarsky report on the practical implications for franchisors ...

Scintilla: Intellectual Property in Review
Insight 12 Nov 2014

The Allens IP blog Scintilla provides regular insights and analysis on intellectual property law We have published a selection of blog posts in a handy digest for clients In this edition we cover the latest issues in patents trade marks copyright designs and international issues ...

Isolated genetic material confirmed as patentable
Insight 12 Sep 2014

In a unanimous decision the Full Federal Court has confirmed that genetic materials in their isolated form remain patentable in Australia The decision related to an appeal from an earlier Federal Court decision in which it was found isolated nucleic acids to be a manner of manufacture as required by ...

Food Law Bulletin
Insight 05 Sep 2014

we look at the ACCCs current enforcement activities on credence claims in food labelling the development of a national information standard for the contentious area of free-range eggs in light of the industrys failure to selfregulate a Federal Court decision that provides some welcome clarification ...

The ending point for 'starting point'
Insight 01 Sep 2014

The Full Federal Court has published its much-anticipated judgment in the AstraZeneca v Apotex appeal A bench of five judges heard the appeal in contrast to the usual three judges in order to be able to clarify or overrule if appropriate an earlier Full Court decision relating to the correct test ...

Changes to New Zealand patent law - the deadline approaches
Insight 10 Jul 2014

Changes to New Zealand's patent legislation which come into effect on 13 September 2014 will align it more closely to Australia's patent law ...

Scintilla: Intellectual Property in Review
Insight 01 Jul 2014

The Allens IP blog Scintilla provides regular insights and analysis on intellectual property law We have published a selection of blog posts in a handy digest for clients In this edition we cover the latest issues in patents trade marks copyright designs and international issues ...

The ramifications of a Facebook rant
Insight 22 May 2014

The Full Court of the Federal Court recently handed down its decisions on an appeal that highlights the dangers of making unsubstantiated social media comments Partner Miriam Stiel and Lawyer Tracy Lu report on a long-running dispute where the court found personal Facebook posts constituted ...

