21-30 of 524 results

Vietnam cross-border lending guide
Insight 03 Nov 2023

Vietnam continues to be an attractive destination for foreign investors. Both Vietnamese and foreign-invested enterprises constantly require debt capital from overseas lenders to establish and grow their businesses. Further, the demand for cross-border financing has also been boosted by a growing nu ...

Breach reporting update: reducing the regulatory burden on licensees
Insight 26 Oct 2023

ASIC has made some helpful amendments (the Instrument ) to AFS and credit licensees’ obligations regarding certain breach reporting under the reportable situations regime (the Regime ). These updat ...

Clarifying aspects of the Thin Capitalisation Rules and Debt Deduction Creation Rules
Insight 23 Oct 2023

In this Insight, we provide clarity to tax managers, CFOs and commercial managers seeking to evaluate the cost/benefits of undertaking a transaction, particularly with a related party. ...

Big changes incoming: consultation opens on amendments to the PPSA
Insight 19 Oct 2023

The Federal Government has invited public consultation on its proposed changes to the Personal Property Securities Act 2009 (Cth). The changes are extensive, and will implement most of the 394 recommendations from the 2015 Whittaker Review. ...

Spotting and stopping scams – a conversation with Anna Bligh

Webinar: Spotting and stopping scams – a conversation with Anna Bligh ...

Guidance on funding disclosure for private capital bids
Insight 06 Oct 2023

In this Insight, we look at a recent decision from the Takeovers Panel that has helped to clarify how funding certainty and disclosure apply to private capital bidders. We also address some of the other issues for private capital investors to consider in their funding arrangements. ...

Thin cap: debt deduction creation regime
Insight 25 Sep 2023

In this insight, we analyse the new debt deduction creation regime and discuss its potential implications. ...

First NSW REZ access auction – a guide to LTESAs and access rights
Insight 20 Sep 2023

The competitive tenders for long-term energy service agreements (LTESAs) are underway, forming part of the delivery of the NSW Energy Infrastructure Roadmap by the State Government. This Insight gives a high-level overview of the key terms of LTESAs and the REZ access rights agreements. ...

Significant changes to regulation of US private funds: what Australian sponsors and investors need to know
Insight 12 Sep 2023

The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has adopted new Rules to regulate the private fund industry under the US Investment Advisers Act of 1940. The new Rules are designed to increase transparency and provide additional investor protections. ...

