21-30 of 134 results

Australian Government locks in final details of the Safeguard Mechanism reforms
Insight 18 May 2023

The Government has released its slate of detailed subordinate legislation that will support the reformed Safeguard Mechanism scheme. This means that the Government has issued the full suite of initial Safeguard Mechanism reforms set to launch on 1 July 2023. ...

Australia's hydrogen industry is progressing, but not fast enough
Insight 16 May 2023

We outline the key takeaways for the hydrogen industry from the 2023-24 Federal Budget, the Hydrogen Report and the Infrastructure Report, and provide an overview of the new emissions calculator. ...

Government's Safeguard Mechanism reforms get the green light
Insight 06 Apr 2023

Parliament has passed the Government's long-anticipated Safeguard Mechanism reforms following a watershed Labor-Greens deal. In this Insight, we focus on the key amendments to the Safeguard Mechanism scheme's architecture that brought the reforms over the line. ...

Resource and industrial businesses face 4.9% annual emissions reductions
Insight 25 Jan 2023

The Australian Government has provided further clarity on its proposed reforms to the Safeguard Mechanism, imposing declining emissions caps on Australia's largest greenhouse gas emitters from 1 Ju ...

Sustainability reporting – what you need to know to be prepared for the ISSB Standards
Insight 21 Dec 2022

The International Sustainability Standards Board (the ISSB), established by the IFRS Foundation at COP26 in November 2021, is currently developing a global framework for sustainability- and climate- related financial disclosures. ...

Insurance coverage for climate litigation: taking the temperature from US case law
Insight 12 Dec 2022

In this Insight, we profile some of the key cases and highlight potential barriers that policyholders may face in recovering the costs of climate litigation. ...

Government announces major reforms to EPBC Act
Insight 09 Dec 2022

We review the Federal Government's long-awaited response to Professor Graeme Samuel's 2020 review of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act), titled 'Nature Positive Plan: better for the environment, better for business'. ...

Best practice ESG due diligence for energy investments
Insight 30 Nov 2022

This Insight explores proven ways dealmakers can close energy deals efficiently, while maximising value creation and managing ESG risks. ...

COP27: what does this mean for businesses around the world?

COP27 – What does this mean for businesses around the world? ...

Net-zero by 2050: navigating Australia's evolving carbon market

Webinar: Net-zero by 2050: Navigating Australia's evolving carbon market ...

