21-30 of 49 results

'Rate my builder' – next step in NSW Government rating regime
Insight 24 Jun 2022

Marking a further step in the New South Wales Government's 'Construct NSW' building and construction industry reforms, the Independent Construction Industry Ratings Tool (iCIRT) – which assesses construction professionals against a series of criteria2 – has released the first 19 developers and builders to have a public rating. In this Insight, we explain iCIRT's potential impact, and what action construction professionals and businesses can be taking now. ...

'Fiendishly difficult' – duty of care to impact more NSW building projects
Insight 03 Jun 2022

The recent Goodwin Street Developments decision provides much-needed guidance on the application of the statutory duty of care owed by builders (and certain building professionals) to property owners under section 37 of the Design and Building Practitioners Act 2020 . ...

New changes aim to improve cash flow for suppliers to government post COVID-19
Insight 11 Oct 2021

Businesses supplying goods or services to the Federal Government need to be aware that they may need to modify their procurement processes to support shorter subcontractor payment time periods, under recent changes to federal procurement policies. ...

WA Government passes Security of Payment reforms
Insight 23 Jun 2021

The statutory right to receive payment claimed and the rapid adjudication process, amongst other changes introduced by the Building and Construction (Security of Payment) Act 2021 (WA) (Act), will govern construction contracts entered into after commencement of the Act. ...

Internal emails, multiple recipients and the question of privilege
Insight 09 Dec 2020

The recent decision of TEC Hedland Pty Ltd v The Pilbara Infrastructure Pty Ltd indicates that, for the purpose of assessing whether privilege can be claimed, multi-addressee emails will be considered as a number of separate communications between the sender and each recipient. ...

NSW turns up heat on developers of residential apartment buildings
Insight 12 Jun 2020

The Residential Apartment Buildings (Compliance and Enforcement Powers) Act 2020 (NSW) has passed. For developers of residential apartment buildings, we take a look at the key changes and outline the actions you should take next. ...

NSW reforms to fix building defects – potential for indeterminate liability?
Insight 12 Jun 2020

The NSW Government has enacted new legislation imposing new obligations on design practitioners, engineers and builders and sees a fundamental shift in the relationship between these practitioners and owners as part of its reforms to the building industry. For all owners, builders and designers, we examine these changes and outline steps you can take now. ...

The WTO decision against Australia – what the law on paper might mean in practice
Insight 31 Jan 2020

At a time when global powers continue to test international trade rules, a World Trade Organization decision involving Australian tariffs on Indonesian A4 copy paper highlights some of the key legal issues that caused tension between international trading partners in 2019. ...

Connected infrastructure
Insight 30 Jan 2020

Both the Sydney population and the population of Melbourne are expected to reach the size of New York City by 2050, raising questions about how our cities of the future will function. ...

