21-30 of 206 results

Major changes proposed to financial advice regime
Insight 30 Aug 2022

Treasury has released a further consultation paper as part of the Quality of Advice Review, seeking feedback on interim proposals for changes to the regulatory regime governing financial advice. ...

ASIC's Corporate Plan shaped by emerging environmental, economic and technology trends
Insight 29 Aug 2022

ASIC has released its four-year plan, which outlines its key areas of focus. Of these four priorities, three are new: Design and distribution obligations; Retirement decision making; Sustainable finance; and Technology risks. ...

New ASIC guidance on how superannuation and managed funds can avoid 'greenwashing'
Insight 16 Jun 2022

Greenwashing in the promotion of managed investment and superannuation funds is one of ASIC's current corporate governance priorities as it continues to 'monitor the market … looking for misleading claims about ESG and sustainability'. ...

Continuing misrepresentations: Full Federal Court confirms an incoming insurer's right to avoid cover
Insight 05 May 2022

In a welcome move for insurers writing group life policies for superannuation funds, the Full Federal Court in AIA v Sharma overturned the first instance decision and held that a fraudulent misrepresentation made by an insured member to an outgoing group life insurer could have continuing effect an ...

Our pre-election wrap of super regulatory reforms for 2022
Insight 19 Apr 2022

Coming off a busy 18 months or so – with the number of reforms too long to count on all fingers and toes – superannuation trustees could be forgiven for wanting to take an extended holiday from regulatory change. But with Parliament prorogued ahead of the election, now is a chance for trustees to take stock of the regulatory reforms slated for 2022. In this Insight, we provide a snapshot of the key reforms. ...

What APRA's proposed changes to SPS 530 Investment Governance and findings on unlisted asset valuations mean for superannuation investments
Insight 22 Nov 2021

As promised in its 2021 Policy Priorities, APRA has released its draft revised prudential standard Investment Governance (SPS 530) for RSE licenses, and the outcomes of its review of unlisted asset valuations, as part of its report titled Findings from APRA’s superannuation thematic reviews. ...

Federal Budget 2021-22 – Superannuation
Insight 12 May 2021

Super fund trustees will likely breathe a sigh of relief that there are no new significant reforms to the superannuation system on the Government's budget agenda. ...

Key developments for APRA-regulated entities in managing climate risks
Insight 11 May 2021

Recently released guidance from the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) and two new barrister opinions re-emphasise the need for banks, superannuation trustees, insurers, and other organisations, to respond to, and appropriately manage, financial risks associated with climate change. ...

ASIC's Regulatory Guide 274: product design and distribution obligations

Webinar: ASIC's Regulatory Guide 274: product design and distribution obligations ...

Changes to Regulatory Guide 256
Insight 07 Dec 2020

ASIC has released a first-round consultation paper on proposed changes to Regulatory Guide 256: Client Review and Remediation Conducted by Advice Licensees. The proposed changes are substantial, and will apply to new entities including super fund trustees. ...

