301-310 of 384 results

ASIC clamps down on SMSF advice
Insight 25 Jul 2015

ASIC has outlined its expectations for financial advice where the client is advised to set up a self-managed superannuation fund ASIC has done so in two publications released yesterday - one deals with the risks associated with SMSFs information sheet 205 and the other with the costs information ...

PPS deregulation measures one step closer
Insight 09 Jul 2015

A long-awaited change designed to reduce the compliance burden for security interests arising from short-term leases of serial numbered goods is one step closer to becoming law Partner Karla Fraser and Law Graduate Katharine Ward report ...

How to avoid anti-money laundering compliance headaches - financial product issues
Insight 03 Jul 2015

Issues of securities interests in managed investment schemes and other types of financial products typically involve a number of designated services under Australias anti-money laundering and counter terrorism financing AMLCTF regime However in the midst of preparing governing documents disclosure ...

Draft rules published for mandatory central clearing of derivatives and single-sided reporting
Insight 03 Jul 2015

ASIC has published draft rules for mandatory central clearing of certain derivatives while Treasury has published draft regulations that would permit single-sided reporting of Over-the-Counter Derivatives in some situations Partner Tom Highnam and Lawyer David Lewis discuss the implications of these ...

Linklaters Insights: Legal implications of the Greek debt crisis
Insight 30 Jun 2015

After months of political stalemate in negotiations with its creditors to unlock access to bailout funds the Greek government has announced a referendum on proposed bailout conditions an extended bank holiday and the imposition of capital controls ...

Draft rules published for mandatory central clearing of derivatives and single-sided reporting
Insight 19 Jun 2015

ASIC has published draft rules for mandatory central clearing of certain derivatives while Treasury has published draft regulations that would permit single-sided reporting of Over-the-Counter Derivatives in some situations Partner Tom Highnam and Lawyer David Lewis discuss the implications of these ...

Trowbridge - a bridge too far?
Insight 04 Jun 2015

In October 2014 ASIC released its report into retail life insurance advice practices The findings were pretty grim - with poor advice being more common than good or even adequate advice ASIC said that advisers were motivated by the promise of commissions not the interests of their clients Following ...

Tax musings
Insight 04 Jun 2015

You would need to have been living under a large rock with your hearing aid turned off not to be aware of the current debates raging in relation to tax But it is hard to sort the wood from the trees or the real facts and issues from all the surrounding noise ...

Full Federal Court rules against agreed civil penalties
Insight 04 Jun 2015

Ecstasy cocaine and industrial action at a construction site are unlikely subjects for an article on financial services regulation They are however the things that have led to what could be a significant change to the way in which financial services regulators like ASIC and APRA can resolve civil ...

Funding a Fund: The growth of the capital call facility
Insight 25 May 2015

The Australian corporate debt market is primed for growth, with an increase in the number of funds providing direct lending as an alternative source of financing to the traditional lending dominated by domestic banks. ...

