301-310 of 659 results

Data breaches in the healthcare sector: the reality, the costs and how to prevent them
Insight 17 Oct 2018

Data breaches are disproportionately common in the health sector Whats more it is the only sector that has a higher rate of data breaches caused by internal factors such as employee carelessness or misbehaviour than by external threats Health sector data breaches are enabled it seems by the ...

You asked, they listened (mostly) - Treasury's proposed revisions to the Consumer Data Right Bill
Insight 12 Oct 2018

On 24 September Treasury released for public consultation its revised version of the exposure draft legislation that will give effect to the new Consumer Data Right CDR in Australia Reflecting feedback from public consultation on the first tranche of draft legislation that was released on 15 August ...

The ACCC's Consumer Data Right Rules Framework
Insight 12 Oct 2018

In preparation for the implementation of the first phase of the Consumer Data Right CDR on 1 July 2019 and fresh off the consultation period for the Federal Governments draft CDR legislation the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission ACCC released the Consumer Data Right Rules Framework the ...

A development from the English Court of Appeal regarding legal professional privilege in internal investigations
Insight 02 Oct 2018

In a recent judgment the English Court of Appeal reversed a controversial High Court decision that had severely limited the application of legal professional privilege in internal investigations under English law The decision has consequences for Australian corporates conducting cross-border ...

The Foreign Influence Transparency Scheme - from Bill to Law
Insight 10 Sep 2018

The Federal Government recently passed the Foreign Influence Transparency Scheme Act This is an entirely new regulatory scheme that will require persons who undertake activities on behalf of a foreign government or political organisation to register with the Attorney Generals Department if those ...

A tangled web - the regulatory framework and its power players
Insight 10 Sep 2018

The draft legislation the Federal Government released to establish a regulatory framework for the implementation of a new Consumer Data Right will radically reform the data protection regime in Australia ...

CDR: What's next?
Insight 10 Sep 2018

The release of the exposure draft of the CDR legislation marks the start of a tight turnaround in order for the legislation to be passed in March 2019 particularly as the details and associated instruments have yet to be released The CDR regime has been advertised as producing a wide range of ...

Risky business - remedies and enforcement powers for CDR breaches
Insight 10 Sep 2018

As part of the new Consumer Data Right CDR framework a new regime of offences remedies and enforcement powers will be implemented The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission ACCC will have primary oversight for the enforcement of the regime though the OAIC will handle privacy complaints in ...

The devil in the detail - observations on the scope of CDR data and the new Privacy Safeguards
Insight 10 Sep 2018

While the Consumer Data Right CDR regime is likely to benefit businesses by increasing access to greater consumer data and customers by increasing choice and competition the draft legislation leaves a lot of the details to be finalised at a later date primarily through the Australian Competition and ...

Top 10 things to know about the Consumer Data Right
Insight 10 Sep 2018

This article lists our top 10 'need-to-know's about the proposed framework for the implementation of the Consumer Data Right, including how these key aspects are likely to play out in the banking sector and what it all means for Australian businesses going forward. ...

