301-310 of 424 results

Finkel Review - Gas: A revolving door or real change?
Insight 20 Jun 2017

In the first of our series analysing the Finkel Review we look at Dr Finkels assessment on the place of gas in the Australian energy landscape and his suggestions for the creation of more efficient gas markets ...

Finkel: the solution for our energy future?
Insight 13 Jun 2017

As the saying goes never let a good crisis go to waste The Finkel Review commissioned after blackouts in South Australia and delivered by Australias Chief Scientist last week may prove to be the right report at the right time to garner support for energy and emissions policy positions that could ...

ACCC calls for comment on electricity retail supply and pricing
Insight 07 Jun 2017

The ACCC has taken the first major step in its inquiry into electricity retail supply and pricing in the National Electricity Market by releasing an issues paper and calling for submissions by 30 June 2017 The issues paper focuses on three broad areas the pricing costs and profits of electricity ...

Victorian Government proposes reforms to reserve domestic gas production
Insight 07 Jun 2017

The Victorian Government has today proposed significant gas market reforms primarily involving the introduction of a cap on the export of gas from Victoria in order to facilitate the reservation of domestic gas production for domestic supply The proposed reforms are aimed at reducing domestic gas ...

Report: Australia's foreign investment regime - budget changes relating to solar and wind farms
Insight 24 May 2017

In the 2017 Budget the Australian Government flagged a number of changes to Australias foreign investment regime including clarifying the treatment of solar and wind farms under the regime ...

Budget measures to increase gas supply
Insight 10 May 2017

The 2017 Federal Budget introduced several measures designed to increase domestic gas supply to the Australian market Key measures include the direct financing of onshore gas development and studies into potential programs aimed at increasing the efficiency transparency and security of the gas ...

Review of climate change policies discussion paper
Insight 28 Mar 2017

Following the release of the terms of reference for the 2017 climate change policy review in December 2016 the Federal Government has recently released its climate change policy review discussion paper for public consultation Partner Andrew Mansour Senior Associate Emily Gerrard and Lawyer Holly ...

Australia's foreign investment approval (FIRB) regime: what you need to know
Insight 15 Mar 2017

Australias foreign investment approval regime is increasingly a major political issue that is often highlighted and discussed in the media Our foreign investment law experts have summarised the key information you need to know about Australias FIRB regime ...

Misinterpretation of REC liability exemption leaves islanded generator high and dry
Insight 14 Mar 2017

A decision by the Administrative Appeals Tribunal affirming an assessment by the Clean Energy Regulator as to the liability of an off-grid generator under the Renewable Energy Electricity Act 2000 Cth highlights the need for liable entities to carefully consider their reliance on the small systems ...

