321-330 of 659 results

Breaking - Australian Government releases draft decryption legislation
Insight 15 Aug 2018

The Australian Government has released draft legislation to provide national security and law enforcement agencies with means to access encrypted communications and devices The draft legislation aims to respond to the increasingly widespread use of encryption by Australian consumers and the ...

Video: Inclusion & Diversity: Interview with Diane Jurgens, Chief Technology Officer at BHP
Insight 15 Aug 2018

We talked to Diane Jurgens, Chief Technology Officer at BHP, about the role that inclusion and diversity play in innovation and transformation, leading to greater productivity and real business value. ...

Allens' submission to ALRC Class Actions Inquiry - time to revisit the checks and balances
Insight 14 Aug 2018

The Australian Law Reform Commissions Inquiry into Class Actions and Third Party Litigation Funders provides an important and timely opportunity to reflect on the operation of our class actions regime We have made a detailed submission to the ALRCs Inquiry in which we advocated for a renewed focus ...

Key trends in the Australian products liability space - 2018
Insight 10 Aug 2018

We have seen in recent years an increasing level of activity in the Australian regulatory landscape The current Banking Royal Commission is just one example of many dominating boardrooms and newsfeeds Regulators are taking action more often are seeking higher penalties and are seeking to expand the ...

ACCC brings first 'excessive surcharge' proceedings
Insight 01 Aug 2018

The ACCC has instituted Federal Court proceedings against Europcar for allegedly imposing excessive payment surcharges on customers. This is the first court proceeding commenced by the ACCC under the new prohibition and serves as a reminder to businesses that card payment surcharges must be limited. ...

Beverage get-up round-up
Insight 22 Jul 2018

Recent Federal Court beverage cases illustrate the challenges involved in protecting and enforcing secondary marks on food and beverage product packaging. ...

How will the food & groceries market adjust to the rise of digital platforms?
Insight 22 Jul 2018

Digital platforms, such as Amazon, have the potential to transform the food and grocery industry. The amended misuse of market power provision aims to protect smaller competitors without stifling innovation. Does the new law have any role to play in the ascent of digital platforms? ...

Rethinking ‘natural’ history
Insight 22 Jul 2018

Is there more than one reason to call a product ‘natural’? The FCAFC thinks so, overturning Justice Katzmann’s finding that it is misleading to describe a product as ‘natural’ if it is not made wholly or substantially from natural ingredients. ...

New Zealand tightens its belt on high-calorie advertising to youth
Insight 22 Jul 2018

The New Zealand Advertising Standards Authority has been enforcing a new code since October 2017 that governs all advertising targeted to children and young people. It outlines specific rules for food and beverage advertisements, including for high-calorie ‘Occasional Food and Beverage Products’ ...

US court holds foreign corporations not liable for human rights harms under Alien Tort Statute
Insight 20 Jul 2018

In a decision on human rights litigation that has important consequences for business a divided US Supreme Court has held that foreign corporations will not be held liable in suits brought under the Alien Tort Statute Partner Rachel Nicolson Associate Shamistha Selvaratnam and Graduate Calypso ...

