321-330 of 848 results

Goodbye, conflicted remuneration (and hello, conflicted remuneration)
Insight 13 Dec 2019

This Insight considers the regulatory effect of the grandfathering of the conflicted remuneration clause, 6½ years after it came into effect. ...

NSW looks to hold builders and designers liable to current – and future – property owners for defective works
Insight 13 Dec 2019

Legislation focusing on imposing new obligations on design consultants and builders was recently introduced to the NSW Parliament. Importantly, the Design and Building Practitioners Bill creates a statutory duty of care owed by builders, and others, for economic loss for defects in construction serv ...

Draft South East Queensland Koala Conservation Strategy 2019-2024
Insight 11 Dec 2019

The Draft South East Queensland Koala Conservation Strategy 2019-2024 has been released for public consultation. The Strategy is supported by new koala habitat mapping. The Strategy and mapping have serious implications for landowners in koala habitat areas within a Koala Priority Area, who will be prevented from clearing their land except in very limited circumstances. We discuss these implications below and suggest that, at a minimum, landowners should review the mapping to ascertain whether their land is within a Koala Priority Area. ...

Healthcare trend watch 2019
Insight 09 Dec 2019

The healthcare team at Allens reports on some key trends and sectors to look out for in 2020. ...

The new test for dishonesty – criminalising conduct that falls short of 'community expectations'?
Insight 22 Nov 2019

The recent amendment to the test for dishonesty in the Corporations Act 2001, which lowers the burden on the prosecution will have implications for the concept of 'community expectations' into the criminal law. ...

Report: Australian Infrastructure Investment Report 2019
Insight 15 Nov 2019

Investor appetite for Australian infrastructure remains strong. However, to maintain our status as a leading infrastructure investment destination, we must address systemic issues that are adversely impacting the market, including cost overruns on major projects.  ...

Landlord and tenant rights and obligations to change under Retail Leases Amendment Bill 2019 (Vic)
Insight 05 Nov 2019

Landlords and tenants will see changes to their rights and compliance obligations under retail shop leases as a result of proposed amendments to the Building Act 1993 (Vic) (and regulations) ( ...

The proposed PNG strata title scheme – what will change?
Insight 25 Oct 2019

In a development that is especially relevant to property developers and financial institutions, draft legislation to introduce a Papua New Guinea strata title scheme has been released. ...

If in doubt, get the whitewash out
Insight 11 Oct 2019

The High Court's first decision on the financial assistance prohibition in section 260A of the Corporations Act supports a conservative approach to the prohibition, and in particular highlights the danger of 'taking a view' on the no material prejudice exception. ...

ASIC Corporate Governance Taskforce Report
Insight 04 Oct 2019

ASIC has released its first report focusing on director and officer oversight of non-financial risk in seven large financial services companies (the First Report). While the report focuses on financial services companies, ASIC points out expressly that all companies, regardless of sector, should read and engage with the findings of this report. ...

