351-360 of 659 results

Code breakers - Australian Government flags forced decryption reforms
Insight 03 May 2018

The Australian Government continues to stoke controversy with its mooted reforms to encryption laws which would seek to provide law enforcement agencies with access to encrypted communications and information While little detail as to the shape that the reforms will ultimately take has been provided ...

One click from meltdown - cyber attacks on critical infrastructure
Insight 03 May 2018

Security experts have been predicting for some time that as critical infrastructure networks become smarter more automated and more connected they will also become more vulnerable to cyber threats Reports last week of extensive attacks on critical infrastructure by hackers associated with the ...

Coming clean - OAIC releases first quarterly report on data breach notifications
Insight 03 May 2018

The OAIC has published its first quarterly report setting out statistical information about notifications received under the Notifiable Data Breaches scheme NDB scheme since the NBD scheme took effect on 22 February 2018 ...

The walking dread - fostering cyber awareness in the age of killer viruses
Insight 03 May 2018

If the last decade of zombie movies and TV shows has taught us anything and it has its a check every bathroom stall before sitting down and b it only takes one idiot to leave a door open for a world of hurt to rush in Cybercrime is one of the top three threats in the world aside from natural ...

APRA proposes cross-industry framework for management of information security
Insight 03 May 2018

APRA has released for consultation its first prudential standard of information security Prudential Standard CPS 234 Information Security CPS 234 - a key response to the growing threat of cyber attacks ...

Last minute increase to scheme consideration - a more flexible approach?
Insight 02 May 2018

A recent Federal Court decision shows a pragmatic approach by the court, in relation to takeover bids effected by way of scheme of arrangement ...

ASIC's sanctions and powers to be strengthened
Insight 23 Apr 2018

The Federal Government has announced that it proposes to strengthen ASICs powers and to increase the severity of penalties civil and criminal that can be imposed on individuals and corporations in line with the ASIC Enforcement Review Taskforces recommendations Partner Rachel Nicolson and Senior ...

Undertaking data analytics without breaking the law
Insight 20 Apr 2018

Guidance highlighting the necessity of being transparent when undertaking data analytics on personal information as well as other matters that organisations should consider so as to better manage compliance risk when undertaking data analytics has been released Partner Michael Morris Lawyer Jaclyn ...

Video: Australia's growing cyber insurance industry: insights from Chris Mackinnon, Lloyd's
Insight 19 Apr 2018

Cyber insurance has emerged as a multibillion-dollar global industry safeguarding businesses against financial losses from the explosion of cyber risk We caught up with Chris Mackinnon head of Lloyds in Australia to discuss the state of the cyber insurance market in Australia the challenges of ...

Federal Court homes in on Anti-Dumping Commission's calculation of duties on Chinese steel imports
Insight 11 Apr 2018

In a rare appellate court decision dealing with anti-dumping law, the FFCA has clarified that the Anti-Dumping Commission's ability to calculate hypothetical amounts for the purposes of determining normal value is not at large, and must conform strictly with anti-dumping legislation ...

