361-370 of 707 results

Report: Our look ahead to the private equity market in Australia
Insight 22 Feb 2018

As new funds enter the local market flexible debt funding structures become more prevalent and sponsors are forced to deploy capital in more innovative ways we expect the Australian PE market to continue to grow Private Equity Horizons 2018 reviews the PE market and looks at the trends and sectors ...

Superannuation reform - the year ahead in 2018
Insight 20 Feb 2018

2017 was a busy year in superannuation The Allens superannuation team takes stock of the legislative and regulatory reform proposals that have been mooted for 2018 and gazes into the crystal ball to see what might lie ahead this year ...

Productivity Commission releases draft report on competition in the financial system
Insight 20 Feb 2018

The Productivity Commissions draft report on competition in the financial system released earlier in February makes 25 draft recommendations a key focus of which are reforms to the regulatory system ...

Federal Government review into Open Banking
Insight 14 Feb 2018

The Federal Government has released its much anticipated Review into Open Banking in Australia The Review makes 50 sweeping recommendations to implement Open Banking including a new regulatory framework under which the regime would operate in the broader context of a new Consumer Data Right for all ...

Financial advice - vertically integrated institutions and conflicts of interest
Insight 25 Jan 2018

ASIC has released its report on financial advice provided by vertically integrated institutions which is likely to be read with great interest by Commissioner Hayne and his team Senior Regulatory Counsel Michael Mathieson and Partner Michelle Levy report ...

Spotlight: (almost) everything you need to know about ransomware
Insight 22 Jan 2018

Almost half of all companies experienced at least one cyber ransom incident in 2016 - either a ransomware attack or a ransom denial-of-service attack That same year ransomware attacks cost businesses more than US1 billion worldwide1 a figure expected to reach US5 billion in 2017 and exceed US115 ...

The Australian Cyber Security Centre's 2017 Threat Report
Insight 22 Jan 2018

The Australian Cyber Security Centre's 2017 Threat Report addresses the current challenges and emerging trends confronting Australia's digital landscape. ...

Financial products - design and distribution obligations and product intervention powers
Insight 22 Dec 2017

After a considerable gestation period the proposed new design and distribution obligations for financial products, and intervention powers for ASIC, took their first, tentative steps yesterday, with the release of exposure draft legislation. ...

A Commission of Inquiry - of the Royal, not the Parliamentary, kind
Insight 19 Dec 2017

Since the announcement of the Royal Commission into ahem financial services much has been written and said - a lot of which suggests that little attention is being paid to the terms of reference In this article I take a look at those terms ...

Strengthening member outcomes in superannuation - APRA's proposals
Insight 15 Dec 2017

APRA this week released a discussion paper and draft prudential standards and practice guides. This Insight considers the significant changes it will lead to across the industry. ...

