361-370 of 521 results

New Developer Levies to apply in Victoria
Insight 03 Aug 2015

Legislation has been introduced in Victoria to provide for new standard infrastructure levies to fund local infrastructure such as roads community centres kindergartens maternal and child health facilities local parks and sporting facilities ...

Judicial review of adjudication determinations - a new expansive approach?
Insight 28 Jul 2015

In a recent decision the Supreme Court of Western Australia quashed two adjudication determinations on the basis of jurisdictional error At the core of the decision was a finding that the adjudicator had misapplied the terms of the relevant construction contract The decision suggests that an ...

Queensland Government broadens scope for mining project objections
Insight 16 Jul 2015

Major new mining projects are to face an additional approval hurdle in Queensland following the introduction this week of a Bill to amend the State Development and Public Works Organisation Act 2015 Qld Partner Ben Zillmann and Senior Associate Giselle Kilvert consider the Bill and what it means for ...

NSW Budget 2015-16
Insight 29 Jun 2015

A significant suite of infrastructure projects across transport public housing health and prisons as well as new bodies to facilitate their delivery have been announced in the NSW Budget Partner Leighton OBrien and Associate Dennis Smith report ...

There's no such thing as a free lunch (or road): user charges and road pricing
Insight 26 Jun 2015

Whether or not to more broadly adopt a user-pays model for road infrastructure is a contentious debate within Australia A number of industry participants and bodies have shown leadership in framing and enriching the debate while others have sought to politicise or inflame the core issues Partner ...

Support for principals with bank guarantees
Insight 25 Jun 2015

A principal has successfully challenged a decision to grant an interlocutory injunction restraining it from calling on performance bonds ...

WA Supreme Court provides further guidance on challenging adjudication determinations made under the Construction Contracts Act
Insight 21 May 2015

The WASC has provided additional guidance on the types of errors that can lead to an adjudicators determination being quashed by the court ...

WA State Budget - Government responds to economic conditions by significantly widening asset sales program
Insight 15 May 2015

In its 2015 Budget handed down yesterday the WA Government confirmed the expansion of its asset sales program to manage the states debt In response to the first forecast budget deficit in WA in 15 years a significant new second tranche of assets has been added to the sales program Partners Andrew ...

Sizing up options for better apartments
Insight 15 May 2015

Victorian Planning Minister Richard Wynne has made his views on apartments known through comments to the media and at industry events about small apartments where he can touch the ceiling and where the shower is over the toilet Mr Wynne has now released a discussion paper on better apartments ...

Victorian property tax surcharge on foreign purchasers and absentee landowners
Insight 12 May 2015

The Victorian Government has introduced legislation to impose a 3 per cent stamp duty surcharge on foreign purchasers of residential land and a 05 per cent land tax surcharge on absentee owners of both residential and other land The proposed legislation is very broad and applies to both direct and ...

