371-380 of 464 results

Support for principals with bank guarantees
Insight 25 Jun 2015

A principal has successfully challenged a decision to grant an interlocutory injunction restraining it from calling on performance bonds ...

New development levy framework introduced in Victoria
Insight 18 Jun 2015

The Victorian Planning Minister has introduced legislation to implement a new development levy framework for the state Developers and land owners in growth and strategic development areas will need to understand the new system of standard and supplementary levies although much of the detail is still ...

Consultation Open on New Integrated Mining Policy
Insight 03 Jun 2015

The New South Wales Government has released its new Integrated Mining Policy for consultation It clarifies the development application requirements for major mining projects and aims to streamline the assessment process Partner Bill McCredie and Senior Associates Naomi Bergman and Michael Zissis ...

Number of proposal objectors to be recognised in new planning Bill tabled by Minister Wynne
Insight 29 May 2015

This week the Planning Minister Richard Wynne introduced a Bill to amend the Victorian planning legislation to make the number of objections a planning application receives a relevant factor when considering whether a proposed use or development may have a significant social effect Will this improve ...

Public inquiry into Victorian Environment Protection Authority to begin next week
Insight 25 May 2015

A public inquiry into the Victorian Environment Protection Authority EPA has been announced and will commence on 1 June 2015, covering a variety of issues in relation to the EPA's role in public health and environmental protection ...

WA Supreme Court provides further guidance on challenging adjudication determinations made under the Construction Contracts Act
Insight 21 May 2015

The WASC has provided additional guidance on the types of errors that can lead to an adjudicators determination being quashed by the court ...

Sizing up options for better apartments
Insight 15 May 2015

Victorian Planning Minister Richard Wynne has made his views on apartments known through comments to the media and at industry events about small apartments where he can touch the ceiling and where the shower is over the toilet Mr Wynne has now released a discussion paper on better apartments ...

WA State Budget - Government responds to economic conditions by significantly widening asset sales program
Insight 15 May 2015

In its 2015 Budget handed down yesterday the WA Government confirmed the expansion of its asset sales program to manage the states debt In response to the first forecast budget deficit in WA in 15 years a significant new second tranche of assets has been added to the sales program Partners Andrew ...

Victorian property tax surcharge on foreign purchasers and absentee landowners
Insight 12 May 2015

The Victorian Government has introduced legislation to impose a 3 per cent stamp duty surcharge on foreign purchasers of residential land and a 05 per cent land tax surcharge on absentee owners of both residential and other land The proposed legislation is very broad and applies to both direct and ...

When are LDs a penalty?
Insight 08 May 2015

The Supreme Court of Queensland recently considered whether liquidated damages in a standard form construction contract were a penalty In a decision that traversed long-held doctrines on penalties and recent developments in emAndrewsem and Paciocco the court ruled that the obligation to pay ...

