31-40 of 91 results

Australia's third shareholder class action judgment
Insight 17 Feb 2022

Judgment has been delivered in the third shareholder class action to run to judgment in Australia, with Justice Jagot of the Federal Court rejecting the applicant's claim in its entirety in Bonham as Trustee for the Aucham Super Fund v Iluka Resources Ltd [2022] FCA 71. ...

Australian class actions trends: 2021 update
Insight 01 Dec 2021

Class action litigation in Australia continues to be active and highly complex. Over the past 10 to 15 years, class actions have become an increasingly entrenched and accepted aspect of commercial life for organisations conducting business in Australia. ...

Government response to class action inquiries
Insight 25 Oct 2021

Last week, the Federal Government published its long-awaited response to the ALRC and Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services Report's inquiries into class actions. ...

Class Action Risk: Interim update
Insight 19 Oct 2021

2021 has been an unusual year in many respects and class actions have not been immune from both the pressures and distractions of COVID-19, and other challenges not linked to the pandemic. With nine months of the year behind us, a reasonably clear picture of class action activity is starting to take ...

The first word on group costs orders in class actions
Insight 15 Sep 2021

The Supreme Court of Victoria has provided significant first guidance on the operation of its new group costs order regime for class actions. ...

Will new continuous disclosure laws limit shareholder class actions?
Insight 19 Aug 2021

Following a period of temporary reform, Australia's continuous disclosure regime has been permanently amended in an effort to combat the upward trend of opportunistic shareholder class actions and to put downward pressure on premiums for directors and officers insurance ...

Another decision on adverse costs orders in employment class actions: should you expect a 'chilling effect' on employment class action risk?
Insight 15 Apr 2021

Duck v Airservices Australia (No 3) is the latest in a series of cases that have grappled with the intersection of employment class actions, litigation funders and the traditionally 'no costs' jurisdiction of the Fair Work Act. We examine the decision and its potential impacts on employment class action risk. ...

Class action risk in 2021
Insight 30 Mar 2021

Australia’s class action landscape remains dynamic and complex. 2020 was characterised by an increase in filings, continuing uncertainty around the impact of COVID-19, and a consistently high level of consumer claims. ...

Privacy disclosure incident leads to largest ever award of compensation for non-economic loss.
Insight 16 Mar 2021

The determination issued by the OAIC for breaches of the Privacy Act by the Department of Home Affairs confirms that compensation can be ordered to be paid for non-economic losses related to data breaches. ...

Clarity from the High Court on competing class actions
Insight 12 Mar 2021

The High Court of Australia has provided much-needed clarity on competing class actions, handing down its decision in Wigmans v AMP Limited [2021] HCA 7. ...

