31-40 of 118 results
Amendments to include insurance claims handling in the definition of 'financial services'
The Federal Government has released a consultation paper which takes action on Recommendation 4.8 of the Banking Royal Commission's Final Report. If implemented, the handling and settlement of insurance claims will become a 'financial service' under the Corporations Act 2001 ...
Round 6: Insurance
The sixth round of public hearings considered issues associated with the sale and design of life insurance and general insurance products, the handling of claims under life insurance and general insurance policies, and the administration of life insurance by superannuation trustees. ...
The future age of AI
We will be able to cease speculation on what is in or not in the Final Report of the Financial Services Royal Commission on Monday evening or after whatever time it takes to read and digest ...
Changes to the FSC Life Insurance Code of Practice
Proposed changes to the FSC Life Insurance Code designed to improve standards in product design sales underwriting customer service complaints and claim handling are afoot and the deadline for comments is fast approaching ...
Class action amounts to multiple claims under insurance policy
The decision in a recent Supreme Court of New South Wales case where indemnity was sought for costs incurred defending and settling a class action highlights a potential gap in coverage under civil liability insurance policies Partner Louise Jenkins Senior Associate Julia Clemente and Lawyer Calypso ...
Report: Class Action Risk 2018
Class action risk continues to increase and is becoming more complex than ever before. Assessing this risk for your organisation is extraordinarily challenging and requires a broad-based perspective of the broader class actions landscape. ...
AFCA's powers and obligations - 'systemic issues'
In his Interim Report, Commissioner Hayne rejected claims that misconduct in the financial services sector was the fault of 'a few bad apples' and did not raise 'broader or systemic concerns. This Insight considers what can and should be done about such systemic issues. ...
Efficiently, honestly and fairly - overarching and fundamental obligations?
In his recent Interim Report into Misconduct in the Banking Superannuation and Financial Services Industry Commissioner Hayne makes a lot of the duties of an Australian financial services licensee and an Australian credit licensee to provide financial services or credit activities as the case may be ...
Royal Commission: Round 4 - experiences with financial service entities in regional and remote communities
In the Interim Report the Commissioner identifies four principal issues relating to agricultural lending ...
Royal Commission: Round 2 - experiences with financial advice
Although the Commissioner says that the Royal Commission is part of the executive and not the judiciary and that he is therefore not able to make any findings of law he comes pretty close in his views in response to Round 2 And in some important respects those views do not correspond with ...