31-40 of 69 results
Vietnam insolvency guide for directors
To help management, this Insight explores the insolvency and bankruptcy regulations in Vietnam, as well as the obligations and potential liabilities of management personnel of Vietnamese companies if their companies become financially distressed. ...
Report: Vietnam offshore wind - where to from here?
A brief overview of the Vietnam wind market, the opportunities and challenges, as well as key legal considerations investors need to be aware of when investing in offshore wind in Vietnam. ...
Renewables in Vietnam
The demand for electricity in Vietnam is rising rapidly to power the growing economy. Forcasts predict an annual growth rate for electricity of 'near-double' digits in the years to come. To keep pace with demand, the Government has envisioned substantial expansion to the national power generation ca ...
More M&A transactions to be captured by new Vietnam merger control regulations
The new Vietnam merger control regime prescribed under the new Law on Competition and Decree 35/2020/ND-CP dated 24 March 2020 will take effect from 15 May 2020. This new regime will have a significant impact on M&A transactions in Vietnam, as it substantially expands the scope of transactions subj ...
The COVID-19 pandemic – what employers in Vietnam need to know
The Covid-19 pandemic is not only a health crisis in the global community, but has caused widespread economic disruption to all companies and governments around the world. As have governments in other countries, the Government of Vietnam has issued various restrictions and regulations ...
How is Vietnam's labour law changing?
Upcoming changes to Vietnam's labour law include such significant steps as more flexibility in the renewal and termination of labour contracts; and for the first time, the right of employees to establish and join independent labour unions. Although the Labour Code 2019 will not take effect until 1 January 2021, employers should start looking ahead and consider how the upcoming changes will impact their businesses and management of their workforce. ...
Stricter controls over e-payment businesses in Vietnam
In response to the rapid growth of the e-payment market in Vietnam, the State Bank of Vietnam (the SBV) has reviewed the legal framework regulating the sector and proposed some important changes. In this Insight, we set out the key amendments the SBV has already issued – as well as those in the pipeline – and their potential impact on the intermediary payment services market. ...
Peer-to-peer lending in Vietnam
Peer-to-peer lending continues gain traction in Vietnam which continues to become a golden ground for fintech investors ...
New Decree on labour outsourcing services
Taking effect from 5 May 2019, a new Decree on labour outsourcing services has been introduced with changes including a relaxation of licence application conditions, and the imposition of further restrictions in relation to the deposit aimed at providing greater protection for contract employees. ...
Investing in the education sector in Vietnam
Private schools have become an increasingly attractive business in Vietnam as the large number of students from the growing middle class fuels demand for quality education while existing public schools struggle to keep up The Vietnamese Government has recently amended the legal regime for foreign ...