31-40 of 509 results
Setting a new standard: a guide to APRA's operational risk management reforms
Given the tight timeframes proposed, APRA regulated entities should begin to review their operational risk management processes and arrangements against draft CPS 230 – see our practical implementation guide here. ...
End in sight for FFSP transitional arrangements
In exciting news for foreign financial service providers (FFSPs), the Australian Government has announced new proposals to reform the foreign financial services licensing regime following a lengthy period of uncertainty and ongoing transitional arrangements. ...
Key observations from the Government's review of Australia's corporate insolvency regime
Key observations from the Government's review of Australia's corporate insolvency regime. ...
Payments regulation reform: the Government consults on broad changes to payments system regulation
The Australian Treasury's recent publication of three significant, and long awaited, payment regulation documents means providers of payments and related services should consider the potential impact of the proposed changes on their business and licensing obligations. ...
Unfair contract terms subject to penalties: is your organisation ready?
Time is of the essence for companies to prepare for changes to unfair contract terms (UCT) laws. The new regime will apply to standard form contracts entered into or renewed following 9 November 2023, and to terms of standard contract terms varied after this date. ...
New guidance for continuation fund transactions
The Institutional Limited Partners Association (ILPA) has released guidance on continuation funds. In this Insight, we discuss the key (and in some respects, novel) takeaways relevant to private equity sponsors and Limited Partner (LP) investments teams. ...
ASIC ramps up greenwashing-related regulatory interventions, targeting managed funds and ASX listed entities
ASIC's latest report, ASIC's recent greenwashing interventions (the Report), outlines its recent surveillance activities and regulatory interventions to tackle misleading marketing and greenwashing. ...
Design and distribution obligations for investment products – ASIC's latest expectations
ASIC has released Report 762 (the Report) following its recent review into how investment product issuers are complying with the Design and Distribution Obligations (DDO) regime. The report summarises ASIC's findings and highlights areas for improvement. ...
Breach reporting
In this Insight, we provide an overview of the Regulatory Guidance 78: Breach reporting by AFS licensees and credit licensees (RG 78) updates, and discuss some of the issues ASIC has left on the table for round two. ...
ASIC report on life insurance in superannuation
ASIC report on life insurance in superannuation and actions for superannuation trustees. In this Insight, we highlight further action superannuation trustees should be taking as identified in the Report against the backdrop of their regulatory obligations. ...