401-410 of 425 results

Introduction of the Emissions Reduction Fund Bill
Insight 23 Jun 2014

The Federal Government has introduced into Parliament legislation for the establishment of its proposed Emissions Reduction Fund which will provide businesses with opportunities to enter into contracts under which the Government pays them for undertaking carbon abatement Partner Grant Anderson and ...

First step towards a Common Resources Act in Queensland
Insight 12 Jun 2014

New legislation has been introduced into the Queensland Parliament that will mark the first stage of a program that will attempt to rationalise the regulatory regime for all types of resources tenure in that state The new legislation also introduces a number of major reforms to the land access and ...

Greater flexibility for onshore petroleum tenure holders in Queensland
Insight 03 Jun 2014

Queenslands petroleum legislation was recently amended to provide greater flexibility to onshore petroleum tenure holders for a variety of matters including extensions to work programs and terms of authorities to prospect relinquishment conditions and work programs and greater flexibility in both ...

Tax deductions for mining rights and information
Insight 30 May 2014

Legislation amending the timing of tax deductions for expenditure incurred on acquiring mining rights and mining information has been introduced into federal Parliament The new law will remove the immediate tax deduction for the cost incurred by a mining entity in acquiring mining rights or mining ...

Queensland retail energy reform
Insight 27 May 2014

The Queensland Government has introduced legislation to apply the National Energy Customer Framework to the sale of electricity and gas to retail customers in Queensland ...

Abolition of the Victorian Energy Efficiency Target
Insight 26 May 2014

The Victorian State Government has announced the closure of the Victorian Energy Efficiency Target Scheme at the end of 2015 which will remove the annual obligation of large energy retailers to surrender energy efficiency certificates as well as the financial benefits provided by the scheme for ...

Repeal of the Energy Efficiency Opportunities Program
Insight 22 May 2014

The Federal Government has introduced legislation which, if passed, will terminate the Energy Efficiency Opportunities Program and remove the mandatory requirement for large energy using businesses to assess and report on opportunities to improve energy efficiency. ...

Negative report on floating LNG technology in WA
Insight 19 May 2014

A major report on the economic viability of using floating LNG technology in WA has found it has the potential to impact negatively on that States domestic gas supply and the State Governments revenue base Partners Tracey Greenaway and Mark McAleer and Lawyer Anne Beresford consider the key findings ...

Emissions Reduction Fund Exposure Draft Legislation Released
Insight 16 May 2014

The Federal Government has released exposure draft legislation for the establishment of its proposed Emissions Reduction Fund Partner Grant Anderson and Lawyer Albert Yu report ...

Changes for developing wind farms in Queensland
Insight 09 May 2014

The Queensland Government has released a draft code and guideline that empowers the State to assess and decide any future wind farm projects in Queensland Partner Bill McCredie and Senior Associate Anna Vella look at the Queensland Governments new role and consider the draft code and guideline ...

