411-420 of 448 results
Changes for developing wind farms in Queensland
The Queensland Government has released a draft code and guideline that empowers the State to assess and decide any future wind farm projects in Queensland Partner Bill McCredie and Senior Associate Anna Vella look at the Queensland Governments new role and consider the draft code and guideline ...
Australia releases model for implementing the Nagoya Protocol
The Federal Government has released a model for the implementation of the Nagoya Protocol that will have major implications for those who use genetic resources and associated traditional knowledge for biodiscovery Partner Sarah Matheson and Lawyer Julieane Bull provide an overview of changes ...
Property Occupations Act passed
New legislation that deals with property transactions in Queensland will have major implications on the sale process of residential property and the licensing of agents Partner Alister Fitzgerald and Senior Associate Annabelle Aland report on the main changes ...
Key superannuation reforms deferred to 1 July 2015
The Federal Government has today announced that the start date for portfolio holdings disclosure reporting and choice product dashboard requirements will be deferred until 1 July 2015 to allow it further time to consult on the detail of the requirements Partner Geoff Sanders and Lawyer Stephanie ...
Queensland's coal and CSG overlapping tenure regime getting a makeover
The Queensland Government has released proposed changes to the legislative framework for regulating overlapping coal and coal seam gas tenure which has been a vexed issue since the emergence of the coal seam gas industry in Queensland The changes principally reflect the industry proposal in the ...
PNG's ownership of minerals and hydrocarbons
The Papua New Guinea Constitution will be amended to reflect the states ownership of hydrocarbons and minerals under proposals to be put before the PNG Parliament Partner Vaughan Mills and Senior Associate Sarah Kuman report on the implications of these amendments ...
Warkworth mine - another victim of over-regulation
The NSW Court of Appeal has upheld the Land and Environment Courts refusal of the proposed Warkworth mine expansion This case highlights the complexity and onerous nature of the environmental assessment regime for major projects in NSW which empowers the courts to overturn a project approval despite ...
Emissions Reduction Fund White Paper released
The Federal Government has released its White Paper on the design of the Emissions Reduction Fund Partner Grant Anderson reports ...
Draft legislation released to improve corporate law compliance burden
An exposure draft of proposed legislative amendments designed to reduce the compliance burden for businesses has been released by the Federal Government The amendments include long-awaited changes to the dividend payment rules the abolition of the 100 member rule and updates to remuneration ...
Competition policy 'root and branch' review issues paper released
Following the release of the final terms of reference for the root and branch review of Australias competition law and policy the review panel has released an issues paper and a fact sheet about the review Partner Kon Stellios reports ...